
Match!! to Programmer – 587 points –

Don't get fooled, that's called stockholm syndrome.

I've met people with C++ Stockholm Syndrome, and I think their trajectory is different. There's no asymptotic approach toward zero; their appreciation just grows or stays steady, even decades into their career.

Stockholm Syndrome + Sunk Cost Fallacy + some of the better languages have lackluster corporate backing and/or third party libraries

You start out with negative knowledge in C++, then as you just hear the name for the first time, you get your balls stepped on, jizz, and then get post-nut clarity.

your underflow error is someone's underflow feature (hopefully with -fwrapv)

Is C++ actually that bad?

Well, there's modern C++ and it looks reasonable, so you start to think: This isn't so bad, I can work with that.

Then you join a company and you find out: They do have modern C++ code, but also half a million lines of older code that's not in the same style. So there's 5 different ways to do things and just getting a simple string suddenly has you casting classes and calling functions you have no clue about. And there's a ton of different ways to shoot your foot off without warning.

After going to C# I haven't looked back.

And even if you do get to use pure modern C++ you'll still get burned by subtle cases of undefined behavior (e.g. you probably haven't memorized every iterator invalidation rule for every container type) that force you to spend weeks debugging an inexplicable crash that happened in production but can only be recreated in 1/10000 runs of your test suite, but vanishes entirely if you compile in debug mode and try to use gdb.

And don't even get me started on multi-threading and concurrency.

This is why I moved over to Rust


Rustacean supremacy (not to be racist, because we avoid race conditions in the first place)

Sorry to be pedantic but Rust only guarantees no data races can happen. It does not prevent race conditions more generally.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the language for sparing me from the hell that is data races, but the language alone won't solve race conditions for you.

It's C with feeping creaturism. Some of the features are good. Others not so much. Personally I agree with Torvalds overall.

It's a decent language I guess. My main criticism is that the constructor paradigm just isn't well suited for RAII. I always find myself retrofitting Rust's style of object creation into my C++ code.

Yeah exactly what I experienced. You just end up rewriting Rust constructs!

The fun thing is that, C++ being C++, this is actually an std::overflow_error...

I have zero context this graph is confusing af but also says so much

I just don't know how to translate it lul

When learning c++ you hate c++. Then suddenly you get it, and love c++. Then you learn more c++, and you end up merely liking c++

And as your knowledge tends toward expertise your love of the language approaches zero