Biden’s ads haven’t been working. Now, he’s trying something new. to politics – 53 points –
Biden’s ads haven’t been working. Now, he’s trying something new.

They need social media posts too. Highlight the terrible shit that happened, the jobs lost, the terrible covid response, and ask them if thats what they want for this brewing bird flu pandemic again and to have to weather that with even less jobs.

There’s a lot more than that to draw from.

Trump repealed 112 climate regulations, left the Paris Climate Agreement, left the WHO, repealed trans care anti-discrimination law, repealed gay rights to beneficiaries, enacted Title 42 and the Muslim ban, repealed the law prohibiting Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory, repealed Net Neutrality, provided tax cuts to the wealthy that further widened our already exploitative wealth inequality, increased tariffs on goods costing the consumers, repealed the ACA without replacement, seated the conservatives in SCOTUS that repealed Roe v. Wade…

These are all great examples and would work for any human being with an ounce of responsibility and empathy. Unfortunately, most people I have tried to convince to vote for Biden, only care that shit is cheap and taxes are low. We need to attack them from their angles if we want to change their minds. And you'll never convince business owners that more taxes is good they can't see past their profits. Its garbage, and its why Trump is popular. Because we somehow have this fucked up swing where shitty Republican policies go into effect when democrats are in office and good responsible democratic policies go into effect when the dipshit Republicans are in office. Making this circus worse.

That’s true. His tax plan was worse for small businesses and independent contractors. It largely favored the wealthy and corporations. It favored the minority of Americans, so it’s definitely more a problem of awareness than of benefit.

You need social media to elect the next president of the united states. I hate this world.

"You need large communication platforms to get your message out to hundreds of millions of people"

I dont hate this world, I hate those who make it what it is today. It can be beautiful. Its forced to be hell.

person on social media confused as to why social media is an important and effective means of communication

Don't just highlight the terrible shit that happened. Biden's done some things and helped a lot of people. I think they should do ads showing ordinary folks who Biden helped out, in the format of Apple's old "Switch" ad campaign.

Normal folks standing in front of a white background talking about who they are and how Biden helped them. "My student loans were just... gone." "I'm a railroad worker and now I have vacation days."

At the end, it's Biden standing with them saying "I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message."

If Democrats need to fall in love, maybe woo them a bit.

Good old TV ads

Everyone knows! That is the way

Stop doing a genocide that has his base livid with him?

I didn't realize Joe Biden was the Prime Minister of Israel

I don’t know if “I’m not the man pulling the trigger, just providing the guns, ammo, 2000 pound bombs to maim and kill children and run cover against the international community (including shooting down a giant swarm of Iranian missiles)” is as strong of a argument as you think it is. Biden is instrumental in Israel’s genocide. Without Biden’s unconditional support Israel would have to stop.

Without Biden’s unconditional support Israel would have to stop.

How did you come to that conclusion? Israel has their own arms production, and many current and potential allies who would step in.



What they do have is the world's most unsecret nuclear stockpile. If Israel wants to have peace, they can acknowledge Palestinian sovereignity and then close their new borders.

They aren't under threat from the neighboring states, much less some rebels with AKs.

But they don't want that. They want to do a genocide.

Without Biden’s unconditional support Israel would have to stop.

I’d LOVE to see you show your work on this.

Have you ever seen Biden and Netanjahu in the same room? Makes you think ...

Reagan and Bush senior told Israel to cut it out when they were overstepping and Israel straightened the fuck up.

If conservative presidents can do it, so can Biden.

They honestly believe he’s the president of the entire world it seems.

I’ve always thought expecting any US President to upend 70 years of foreign policy is silly. The US being a reliable ally is very important on the world stage, this stuff changes slowly.

Undermining Biden because he isn’t pulling the rug from under Israel is stupid and ignores the big picture of geopolitics. Not to mention helps trump, which will turn Gaza into a parking lot and enstate Christo-fascist theocracy.

That would be the normal, sane, reaction.

If Israel wasn't currently engaged in massive war crimes. All of our allies are coming around on this, leaving just us shielding Israel from any consequences.

And the wheels are turning on waning US support. Public opinion has turned against us being involved, albeit for different reasons.

Biden has been critical of Israel, I agree we should stop supplying weapons and funding but those decision rest more in congress than directly with Biden. And they won’t be made quickly.

Actually Congress doesn't have a say in this without passing a new law. Biden has the power to stop weapon shipments today. He already stopped the 2,000 lb and 500 lb bomb shipment. Which is also a tacit acknowledgement that they know Netanyahu is committing war crimes and thus is ineligible for any military aid under the Leahy Law and Foreign Assistance Act.

Biden has the legal power to announce the suspension of all military aid and sales to Israel right now.

The “doing a genocide” thing comes off as incredibly immature and cringy as hell.

Oh but actually doing a genocide is fine. Just make sure you use proper English when talking about it?

While I appreciate your example of what a shitty strawman argument looks like, I never asked for one.

Either point out the location in my statement where I said “doing a genocide is fine” or admit you have nothing to offer the conversation, and are here to troll as usual.

You've plastered your opinion that you're willing to commit genocide for domestic political gain all over these boards.

Show me where or admit you’re a fucking troll. And I’m not talking about your batshit-insane interpretations of anything you disagree with being in support of genocide.

I’m asking you to prove I have said anything even remotely similar to what you’re accusing me of.

Here you go. I especially love the ones where you specifically threaten us with Trump or where you accuse us of "holding our votes hostage for one issue". That issue being... Genocide.

So… you have absolutely nothing to offer. Fantastic!

Thanks for playing, troll!

I think anyone looking at your post history will find more than enough evidence.

Right… so. Given that… anyone looking will see me responding to bad faith MAGA trolls and Russian bots that plague this site… like you.

If you can accuse me of shit- I can defend myself with accusations of my own.

Sure thing buddy. Maybe you should think about how many people you're willing to sacrifice for that political gain instead of accusing everyone who disagrees with you.

I’ll do that when you finally come around to understanding that all of your anti-Biden bullshit is going to get even more Palestinians killed.

But you already know that.

Better yet- I’ll do that when you admit you don’t give a shit about it.

Oh, and you have the nerve to say: “accusing everyone that disagrees with you.”

Fucking hilarious coming from someone who thinks everyone here that’s not left of left is a gEnOciDe sUpPorTeR!

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