Heavy metal rule

no banana @lemmy.world to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 430 points –

I always wanted to make a DND character that's a warrior but was raised with mages so he believed he was a mage. The mages were just too nice to tell him that he was a warrior and kept on encouraging him on his "spells". He would throw a Molotov cocktail and call it fireball and other antics. Sometimes he would get frustrated and punch things and call it mage fist.

Once played a barbarian who told everyone they were a wizard. They practiced time magic, and using their magic staff (great hammer), they took the very years of life away from their victims.

Had a bard companion who would advise people against telling him he's not casting spells, he's just hitting people very hard, as that enrages him and he goes into a "casting rage"

"The hammers magic, and technically, he's not wrong on the potential of your lifespan in either direction.

Do you really want to get into an argument on the finer points of this?"

Magic 9mm Missiles.

See this little blade comes down slicing the rolled up paper with a rune drawn on it causing it to activate, then that causes the projectile to be pushed down the tube and depending on the rune it can imbue some aspects of the spell to the lead but gold works best for that

Ah, the joys of multiclassing.

i'll take 8 levels in wizard and 2 in pmc contractor

Fun History Fact: "Adventurer" means the same thing pmc contractor does.


I think DnD lost something when this became less known tbh

Now you have tables arguing about whether they're doing a colonialism by burning down orc villages but the answer was SUPPOSED to be "Yes, how much gold did we get?"

It's just the spellslinger wizard archetype

As we learned in Korea, it always eventually escalates from balloons to bullets

Did this literally with a bag of caltrops and Animate Objects, I got the biggest look of disgust from my DM, it still brings me joy to this day