Texas Republican vows to pass bill on Ten Commandments in public schools

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 192 points –
Texas Republican vows to pass bill on Ten Commandments in public schools

Thou shalt not kill—no more capital punishment.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...

Seems pretty clear cut and dry to me. These guys really are the epitome of “Rules for thee, but not for me,” aren’t they?

It's all about doing it, then getting shot down.

They can then say "look! The libruls hate god!" And then they get more donations and votes.

someone saying "no" when evangelicals try to force their religion on everyone is "persecution" to them

Christians are professional victims, but not actual victims. And most of the time they are victimizing others. It's hard being in a cult. :(

When they aren't victimising each other, that is. Don't forget, the "persecution" the pilgrims were fleeing was not being allowed to persecute each other as hard as they wanted to.

Exactly! My favorite part is when they turn on each other. No one is ever pure enough in a cult.

Honestly making out with your highschool goth gf under the ten commandments sounds pretty hot.

Oh boy I can't wait to see which commandments he broke. My bet is on the coveting. He seems like a coveter.

That doesn't seem to matter. Trump has essentially broken all of them.

It doesn't. Pointing out the contradictions in fascism doesn't stop fascism because they don't care about contradictionss. They care about enforcing an authoritarian ideology on everyone, and to that end everything is permissable. As long as they're still intent on securing power, their followers don't care. It's not about being right or making sense. It's about seizing power by any means. In a democracy, that means saying whatever bullshit you have to to keep your followers engaged.

Making fun of them for their contradictions does nothing to stop them. Not taking fascist movements seriously and expecting them to go away because their beliefs are silly is what Germany did when Hitler was rising to power. It's not a good strategy.

Making fun of them for their contradictions does nothing to stop them.

It certainly won't stop them, but it's also one of the greatest weapons against them. Ridicule of fascists is one thing they absolutely cannot stand, and its something the voting public pays attention to -- especially if the ridicule causes them to act out.

Ridicule should not be the only tool, but it's still a valuable one.

So besides a world War (like the one needed to stop Hitler) what's a good strategy? It seems fascism always has the upper hand.

Show them their out numbered. Make it as uncomfortable as possible for them to express their opinions in public. They believe that they're the silent majority, so if you make them see that they're not, it's something.

Take them seriously. Show them that we're taking them seriously and won't allow them to seize power.

Yeah - let’s see how much time and focus this can take from real issues.

It will be a great and important win if you can stop this from happening. While your shitty country burns to the ground.

1. John 2:4 The one who claims, “I know him,” while not keeping his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in this person.

They do realise one of the commandments is against adultery right?

Also, that's the old testament. There are a lot of rules in there so maybe they should also put some of those up too, like the ones for owning slaves.

This is gonna be a piece of cake for The Satanic Temple to counter.

Just write "Baal before Yahweh" on every copy.

I wonder if many/most of these will get vandalized, or if public school kids are so checked out and apathetic they'll simply be ignored like they ignore the teacher, the textbooks, and pretty much everything but their phones.

Whatever happens, I don't think it's going to put the ass-kissing "fear of god" into any of them. Waste of tax dollars.

Of course the real point is to "own the libs" and anger atheists. Because Republicans don't really accomplish anything else.