Found a good book

no banana to Lemmy – 477 points –

This is the swiss army knife for books.

You get everything you need to know in the book.

What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School & What They Teach You at Harvard Business School is a bit better overall since gives you the sum of all human knowledge. Two books though, instead of just one.

Who cares about Harvard Business School?

All I want to know is Jewish-Japanese Sex.

Believe it or not they teach that at Harvard business school (it's an elective but it still counts)

I sent this to my Jewish Japanese friend and they only had one thing to say to me: shalomonichiwa

What did you see Jack Douglas what did you see!

“Yesterday, I Asked You how do you prepare jewish-japanese meals and sex, and how do you raise wolves? Here are your best answers.”

Oh this is the Shut Up and Eat Your Snowshoes guy. I found a copy of that when I was a kid, thought it was kinda funny. God knows what I would think now.