Google Chrome's Death Of Manifest V2 Has Arrived to – 110 points –
Google Chrome's Death Of Manifest V2 Has Arrived

The whole manifest v3 announcement happened years ago and it's been at least a year since the whole timeline...


If it's a YouTube vid with a thumbnail like that, there's a 99% chance that either I don't need to know this, or it contains about one minute of information in an eleven minute video

Basically, Google trying to kill adblockers internet wide via containing addons in restrictive containers. Firefox and anything branched off of it are the only browsers not jumping on. Google apparently starting it up now with V3

come on, Brodie is not that bad

ps (i can't remember whos channel i saw this on) If you have 2 videos with the same content and the same title but one has that style of thumbnail, the one with that style of thumbnail will get promoted by the algorithm. If I remember correctly it was something huge on the engagement

DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. The goal is to make titles accurate and reduce sensationalism. No more arrows, ridiculous faces, and no more clickbait.

please like comment and subscribe dont forget to hit the bell for our latest updates youtube isnt delivering my videos so if you can help i appreciate it if you donate to my patreon check out my merch store we just got some brand new bullshit

And this takes more time than the wasted time on information in such videos

I'm not disagreeing with you, but this video style is only meant to discuss the issue, not simply tell people exactly what's happening and end it at that. But I see your point, and I've noted it: I'll make sure I share more quick and to-the-point video's when I do in the future.

Well that's probably a good thing because some people will switch to something else that's not so privacy invasive

Bad research. Brave and Vivaldi will continue the support for MV2 extension, the CEO of Brave said they will continue the support even if they have to host the code themself.

Vivaldi has said they will as long as the code is in Chromium, and are planning on it going away by June of next year.

No idea about Brave, I don't use it and never will.

This did give me the motivation to switch to back to Firefox, and later possibly Librewolf though, so thanks Google.

Neither has its own extension repository, so maintaining support enables side loading but isn’t all that useful for normal people or those who want their extensions to be up to date.

Brave shields work better than the built-in protection in Vivaldi, so it’s less of an issue there but still frustrating.

Firedragon for desktop (fork of Floorp) and IceRaven for mobile (fork of Firefox)... Super happy with both

Librewolf for Desktop (fork of Firefox with Arkenfox user.js and removed Firefox anti-features) and Mull for Android (fork of Firefox which is deblobbed of proprietary blobs and uses much of Arkenfox's user.js and Tor upstreamed privacy patches). Firefox's Resist Fingerprint (RFP) is extremely important in my opinion for privacy because it normalizes much of the identifiers for better privacy. IceRaven still has proprietary blobs included for Google Safebrowsing and other things.

Mobile browser comparison: