Sync for Lemmy is available in the Play Store for pre-registration to – 705 points –
Sync for Lemmy - Apps on Google Play

Oh shit, everyone this is big. This is the big one. On reddit, Reddit WAS Sync. It was why I started using reddit in the first place.

Now, Lemmy is Sync. Lets gooo

Really hope the Rif dev creates something for Lemmy, last I heard he was going to develop for another social network

Yeah, I was sad when I heard they were only making something for Tildes. RiF was my go-to but maybe we'll get lucky and they'll make stuff for Lemmy and Kbin too!

Funnily enough the RIF dev just released his new Tildes app a little bit earlier today, called Three Cheers for Tildes.

I still haven't really checked out Tildes

Tildes is alright. I feel like the discussions there are more high brow than on Lemmy, but other than that the lack of user created communities very much limits the subjects, especially niche topics.

Bummy, so no micromobility place there I bet?

No I don't think so, there's a transport related space but not a micromobility only one. You can still post about it there, but it's gonna be shuffled around other transport related topics. In fact I remember seeing a topic about e-bikes there a few days ago, so there's that.

Someone sent me an invite a while back. I kinda kicked the tires and never really checked it out again. I'll have to take another look sometime. Thanks!

Hmm, I looked at the screenshots and didn't really like it. It somehow appears even more dated than RIF

RIF was dated visually, but you could spin that as being minimalist and information dense. The Three Cheers for Tildes somehow doesn't look as dense and minimalist as RIF

It's an alpha release. It's probably going to improve over time, we'll see.

I downloaded the app. Is tildes just like Lemmy and Reddit?

Sort of, but the site's philosophy is rather different, shitposting and memeing is heavily discouraged and there's no user created communities for instance. You also need an invite to register an account and post, you can still lurk without one though. If you're curious you can check their docs, it explains it all in detail.

Thanks for the info. I had never heard of this site before. I will keep the 'Three Cheers for Tildes' app installed on my phone and check it out.

Why do they need an invite though? And where do I get one?

Why do they need an invite though?

I think it's mostly to avoid trolls and keep the website manageable for now. The owner seems to want to keep a more "cozy" community.

And where do I get one?

Gotta ask someone with an invite basically. They were handing out invites on r/tildes awhile back, so it's worth checking there occasionally if you're still on Reddit.

... And I could DM you an invite if you'd like, just make sure to read the rules and behave.

Thanks for the info! I've been lurking on tildes for the last two days through the Three Cheers app. Things seen very minimal and interesting. The app is very solid too.

I've also read their rules. They're pretty straight forward.

Can I get an invite from you to sign up? Other method seems to be to ask the site admins for an invite.

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Rif was ok, once I started using sync nothing compared. Boost and another one looked pretty good in the end but they were too similar and I already had the sync unlock so I rode that till the end. Whoever releases first will probably get my $ haha. Unfortunately making good software takes time.

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You'd assume there will be an increase in users once all the former Reddit app developers launch their Lemmy apps.

Hopefully it's the better former Redditors as opposed to the trolls. 😂

This exactly why I don’t like it when people complain that not enough redditors moved to Lemmy. I actually prefer that most of them don’t.

IMO there's a bit less discussion here, but there was too much and too much BS on Reddit. Too many people that all they cared about was the top post pub of the post. Meh.

Just get rid of personal karma scores, only in the background to identify trolls and on posts/comments.

The behavior will probably drop

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I love the smack in the face this is to reddit. It's beautiful

Sadly it's still not gonna change anything since /u/spez is still Elon #2.

When does double secret registration start?

Ha it's taken a while to get the pre registration setup for a new dev account. Emails will be going out to everyone that signed up previously.

Keep up the great work! You played a large part in sealing the deal on our migration from Reddit. That and Cole offering us this sweet instance :).

yeah, but to be honest I wasn't interested in Lemmy until I saw Sync was coming. I might not have started this instance without that

Relay when?

Thunder is okay but it doesn't have filters and it won't load more than 10 posts total when I'm logged in.

Oh hey, this community made it into the screenshots on the listing!

It'd be totes awesome if they also had an F-Droid or GitHub release.

It was not open source when it was just a Reddit client, at least as long as I remember. I doubt they will change that now.

Is the registration region locked? Cant find it in the play store (EU)

Worked fine for me in the UK, not sure if Google play counts us as in the EU these days or not

No pro. :( I hate iap unlocks, Google has messed with them before with this dev.

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Feck. Feck. Feck.

Okay. I'll be patient. :(