"Our movement": In resurfaced speech, Trump endorses Heritage Foundation's Project 2025

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 506 points –

Wait are you telling me Trump was.... lying?!

You must be kidding. He's never ever lied before in his life!

He also never raped children with his best bud Jeffrey Epstein.

Project 2025 information needs to be plastered on billboards in every swing state in America. I wonder how much interest there would be to crowdfund something like this.

It's getting widespread. Coworker who leans right asked if I Googled it. I'm like, bro I told you about it months ago while explaining why trump is a fascist. At least it's in the mainstream discourse now.

Gosh how irritating. I guess you're right though. Nobody hecking remembers me telling them about it a while back

Pour one out for the poor intern who had to scrape through hundreds of hours of insane rambling to find this

But he and Biden are the eXaCt sAmE! aMiRiTe?

Ummm, No. You know that but apparently the MSM doesn't, judging from the current news.

What is msm?

ā€œMain Stream Mediaā€. Most often referred to as such by conservatives because according to them all ā€œmsmā€ is liberal, but can be generally used to describe popular media sources as just being generally shit.

Itā€™s a bit transparent and embarrassing for the DNC to be spinning this up right before the election instead of years ago when this shit was announced.

Look if it makes people realize Repubs are fucking scum, Iā€™m all for it. Letā€™s flip some seats.

But would it be asking too much for the DNC to stop fucking spitting in my face with the bullshit and disrespect and actually work on reforming the crumbling pillars of our society?

Do they actually expect us to believe this is some kind of heel turn and Republicans havenā€™t been working towards this goal all along, securing victories for their cause under Dem administrations and through Dem majorities? Like, itā€™s not some kind of big ā€œgoā€ button. The slide has been happening for 50 years.

Yeah such a great threat to our democracy that they held this campaign in the chamber until Biden needed the boost to stay viable.

The Democratic party knows exactly how much they should trust the intelligence of the average voter. The fact that they're right is what should disgust you.

They're the ones who won't fight tooth and nail for public education. Which is their job, and in their personal interest.

People still largely see D and R as "good" and "bad" instead of "frog in building heat" and "frog dropped into boiling water"