Lou Dobbs, Fox Business host, dies at 78

FenrirIII@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 202 points –
Lou Dobbs, conservative pundit and longtime cable TV host for Fox Business and CNN, dies at 78

Such a shame about Bob Newhart.

Tragedy always strikes in threes.

Hearing about Bob makes me wonder what the other two will be.

Richard Simmons and Shelly Duvall both died in this last week.

Don't forget Shannen Doherty.

Oh yeah so we're like on 5 now with Dr Ruth, so one more to complete the 3.

... Are they accepting nominations... Asking for um... Asking for a friend...

Has to be a tragedy. Not anyone who doesn't spark joy. That also rules out you, Wogi.

Doctor Ruth died in-between those two; we're onto a new set of threes now.

Nooooooooooo. I'd heard about Simmons but not Duvall.

Yes! And it didn't get much coverage because some convicted felon got shot at in rural Pennsylvania at a rally. Such a shame!

1 more...
1 more...
1 more...

I remember Dobbs used to have polls on CNN that would consistently come back at 95% plus in favor of his position. The polls were always worded like, “Are you in favor of destroying America with open borders that allow drugs and sex trafficking?”

I went online and voted in them sometimes to boost the “bad” answer.

Obama birther conspiracy believer, climate change denier, anti-immigration liar, trump supporter, george soros conspiracy peddler. Fuck him. Glad he's dead. Better late than never.

Excellent news. Once planted six feet under, the world will gain a unisex outdoor washroom. Well done, Lou.

I thought it was so weird how his big thing was “illegal immigration” and “illegal aliens” but then he would caveat his position with the fact that his wife was Mexican so basically his view was okay and he could say that.

It was absolutely the “my best friend is Black” but about his wife. So fucking weird.

Absolutely astonishing to watch him go from a moderate ( right-center in the west) on CNN to whack-job boot-licker in the span of two years. But I'm old. Most people probably just saw a glass-house throwing troll. He was an opportunist. Fuck. That troll.

I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.

I misread this as James Dobson, but I'll take Lou Dobbs as well.

Wait...was Lou Dobbs nothing more than a long running satirical performance piece by Bob Newhart?

I don't believe in coincidences...

/s obviously.