Mad flex rule to – 756 points –

Died during the Challenger disaster. Rest in power.


Come to 196 to shitpost in a gay chat, leave optimistic and inspired

The full story is almost better than that. As told by his brother:

"Well, this old librarian, she says, 'This library is not for coloreds.' He said, 'Well, I would like to check out these books.'

"She says, 'Young man, if you don't leave this library right now, I'm gonna call the police.'

"So he just propped himself up on the counter, and sat there, and said, 'I'll wait.' "

[The police and his mother were called]

"And the police officer said, 'You know, why don't you just give the kid the books?'

"And my mother said, 'He'll take good care of them.' "

So, the librarian reluctantly handed over the books. And then, Carl says, "my mother said, 'What do you say?' "

And Ron answered, "Thank you, ma'am."

Full story: NPR

"And the police officer said, ‘You know, why don’t you just give the kid the books?’

Rare cop W.

After reading Karate champion I thought he used it to fight the librarians. Either way a great story.

Little known fact: if you defeat the head librarian in martial combat you become the head librarian.

The middle school I went to was also named after him. Didn't know about him being a karate champion too!

And a saxophone player good enough to arouse the interest of a professional musician. Man's bio reads like he cheated at character creation. It really is amazing.

That's just astronauts for ya

My son starts middle school next week at a middle school named after him!

Both the phrasing and that expression suggest he got into MIT through the power of karate.

You still have to earn the degree like regular, but admissions' kung-fu is strong.

Wait, are you saying he didn't just pulverise a bloody trail through the university and NASA, stealing a PhD certificate and then a Rocket?

I mean, this is still a cool story, but I'm also kinda disappointed.

You can't just fight your way onto a shuttle. The NASAghast will get you. And it is unimpressed by ninjutsu.

Great effort, but the reward was crap 💥

I get too many shit posts here, I was sure this would end with "and he still couldn't check out his books"