Literally 1984 rule to – 526 points –

This is a masturbation only museum you filthy animals.

I see where your confusion came from. You're looking for the interactive museum.

Just down the road.

That museum is great, but "museum" is perhaps too high falutin of a term for it. As I recall they had one thing that could be considered an exhibit, about the history of drawn erotica in Korea. The rest was like sexy statues and such.

Still worth the trip.

Sounds a bit like the sex museum in Amsterdam. Weeee bit of cultural stuff thrown in but mainly just shock factor for the tourists.

Museum of Sex in New York seemed alright. Had a collection of Tijuana Bibles. It's been a while since I went, but I dunno if I'd consider any of it particularly shocking given what it's meant to be. That can be very subjective, of course.

One thing is that a well run academic museum does collections first and exhibits second. 99% of what they have is stored away for safekeeping, and can only be viewed and handled by qualified academics who make an appointment. I'm not sure any of these places would qualify.

Even that one seemed to have a little more historical gravitas, but that was definitely great too.

I can't believe I'm about to type "love museum" into the internet.


I can't believe the first result was an exhibition about Vincent van Gogh at the National Gallery.

Challenge accepted!

*fucks a burger