Democratic National Convention Megathread! Final Day! 8/22

jordanlund@lemmy.worldmod to politics – 45 points –

Happy 10th Anniversary to Doug and Kamala! Now that he's opened that particular door, there is a non-zero chance that voicemail gets played tonight. ;)

Speaker list:

Vice President Kamala Harris

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey

Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer 

North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper

Former Illinois Republican U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger

Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin

California Sen. Alex Padilla v

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren v

Former Secretary of Defense & former CIA Director Leon Panetta, along with a number of veterans

Former Rep. Gabby Giffords

Georgia U.S. Rep. Lucy McBath

Tennessee State Reps. Gloria Johnson, Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, known as the "Tennessee Three"

Massachusetts U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark

Colorado U.S. Rep. Joe Neguse

Florida U.S. Rep. Maxwell Frost

Secretary Deb Haaland

Secretary Marcia L. Fudge

Michigan U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin

Texas U.S. Rep. Colin Allred

California U.S. Rep. and Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Ted Lieu

Streaming info:


I like how the democrats are taking back our flag, USA chants, and the idea of freedom.

Fuck those MAGA assholes. We need to take back the snek flag, too.

I want a red hat with white Harris/Walz text on it.

Those MAGA fuckers dont own red hats either!

She killed it! That was spectacular!

The only thing progressive about the speech was the abortion issue. She kept talking about war, the most lethal military on the planet, went right wing on the border issue, etc.

Well rebel progressive scum, take comfort in the fact that she promised a "new way forward" which I assume no more of Bidens "red lines" on the war crimes we participate in that are ignored when they are crossed, and make no mistake, Henceforrth we will have "magenta lines" that we will all be very consternated at. She will have a new, stronger, grumpier way of readng Netenyahu the riot act! she might carry the pallets of bombs herself and slam them down meaningfully as they are delivered. (I mean, not too hard, we dont want the donors to notice) Watch out! Things are changing! Kamala knows us and will be the voice for *ALL Americans! Not just the donors!

(*rules and restrictions apply. )


Seriously though, about 60% of the US doesnt support Israels actions in this war and consider war crimes a top tier issue. the dems ignore that at their peril. Trump is not so far behind and they are rolling the dice on something that should be a slam dunk. Anyone notice Trump attacking the zionist Shapiro today? He's trying to court the anti war voters. It wont be enough for me, but it might be the only possible vote for some people.

She is crushing it!

It's just another empty Obama speechwriter teleprompter read. The general public is easily appeased.

Were you actually watching it?? She DELIVERED an emotional and pragmatic vision for America, and she plainly and clearly laid out her platform. We had friends over last night to watch it and we were standing UP by the end.

Like, this quote will go down in history and I am so glad I saw it live:

So, let’s get out there and let’s fight for it. Let’s get out there and let’s vote for it. And together, let us write the next great chapter in the most extraordinary story ever told!

Yes. I watched it. She tried to out Republican the Republicans.

Who are these people? Congrats, you quoted other morons who also didn't pay attention

Did you really listen to the speech?

Even her daughter refused to clap during her "most lethal military" remarks.

No seriously, if THIS is your takeaway (I can only assume since you keep quoting other people) then you didn't pay attention. Try again, and actually watch the whole thing. All 40 minutes, don't skim, don't use the YouTube tracker to find the most viral moments. Go to your living room, put her speech up on the TV, put your phone down, and actually watch it ✌️

I watched it live. The first half about her story was regular fluff and fine then she went crazy about the military, Israel, and acted like Gaza was suffering from a simple natural disaster.

Hmm, this was about 7 minutes since I suggested you rewatch it... Seems like you didn't

Here try this one, without the manipulative bullshitters to distract you and tell you what to think. Try using your own brain to form an opinion. You can do it!

Where were the lies? It's not manipulative bullshit. Krystal used to be on MSNBC, David Sirota is an award winning journalist and Dem advisor, and Ryan Grim also an award winning journalist and helped create The Intercept.

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I watched the entire DNC, all 4 nights. I didn’t explicitly mean to, but it was so engrossing and informative. The old guard has finally passed the torch and there were so many killer moments that my enthusiasm has surpassed even Obama 08 levels. I am signing up to do some phone banking at least. I’ve not done it before but the website said they will train us so I’m stepping out of my comfort zone. I’m in a red state but nothing is impossible unless we just don’t try.

I did phone banking for Obama and it was... interesting. We're a vote by mail state and they had us calling the reddest part of the state after the mailing deadline to remind people "Hey, it's too late to mail your ballot, if you still want to vote, we can tell you where your local drop off location is."

People were REALLY angry! Legally, we had to open with "I'm calling on behalf of the Barack Obama campaign..."


"That's fine, that's not why I'm calling. It looks like you haven't turned in your ballot yet and we just wanted to remind you, if you still want to vote, it's too late to mail it. Do you need a list of ballot drop off locations?"


Sorry for the late post, had a bunch of stuff going on today!

14 comments under this post, and I can only see 2 lmao.

Seems like the Division Brigade is hard at work.

I just finally blocked the source of most of it. Wow, that guy's active.

Who is it? It's up to 31 comments now, is it just one ass hat?

Let’s just say that one notable account continues to return2 bad arguments, bad-faith accusations, terrible jumps in logic, and both-sides-bad complaints.

I can think of half a dozen users off the top of my head parroting identical wedge-driving talking-points almost verbatim to the point I often wonder if they're all the same person.

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4/17 for me

edit: Oh. Yeah, we're missing some fun stuff.

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I only watched Harris's speech.

The good:

I was impressed by her oratory skills. I remember her doing well in the debates in 2020, but I didn't know she could deliver a speech like that.

The biographical stuff was good. (And necessary. She has a complicated backstory, and despite being VP, Americans barely know much about her.) I see we're still avoiding any mention of Canada, but that's probably for the best.

She looked like a president up there.

The bad:

I was put off by the jingoism. I guess Democrats are war hawks now. That's where we are in 2024.

Between all the "defend Israel" and "stop Iran", I was not filled with any confidence that she'll rein in Netanyahu on Gaza.

I think she does come off as someone with human empathy, at the least. If that's actually true, there may be hope.

I am still not the biggest fan of Kamala (she did a lot of good work but she was still basically a cop) but she is kicking massive amounts of ass. Hitting all the high notes and making it clear she is perfectly willing to "go low".

It is just so fucking refreshing after decades of Democrats talking around issues and evil and... Kamala is straight up talking about how this is about basic human rights and that trump led a violent insurrection.

[edit] And yup. there we go. Lock down that border! Still hopeful that the immigration reforms actually come through but... cops gonna cop[/edit]

If the dems run the table the fillabuster can be ended, and the Supreme Court can be expanded and fixed.

They will do a real border bill not the draconian one.

If the dems run the table the fillabuster can be ended

It could have ended when we had a supermajority under Obama. It could have ended with a simple majority under Biden.

It will never be ended.

Look, I was skeptical too, especially when she ran in 2020, but look into her actual record. Or at least watch DL Hugelys speech from last night if not. There is a lot of misinformation about what she actually has done in her career.

Additionally, it’s important to recognize that there are people who are approaching our border seeking anmnesty because they fear for their lives and at the same time people who are trafficking our fellow humans and leaving them in trucks to die.

The bipartisan deal was supported by everyone because there is a legitimate crisis. The crisis is not the people seeking amnesty, as Trump would have you believe, but people trying to take advantage of the fact that we are so busy screening legitimate asylum seekers that we cannot catch the bad actors.

That’s why it’s important to have the option to close the border before our border agents are at a level that they can no longer effectively do their job because there are whole semi trucks worth of people who have died being trafficked across the border.

Additionally, that’s is just one piece of the border bill, which also includes things like more jobs for people so that more asylum seekers can be processed, better use of technology to detect people trying to traffic others across the border at non official ports and actual things that WILL improve the situation we have unlike that stupid wall.

This bill has the potential to save the lives of migrants. Trump killed it for political reasons.

If Biden is doing such a good job, and things are going good.. why is Harris talking about changing everything on Day 1? I don't get it... they're in power now, and yet, everything is STILL Trump's fault...

There's a bunch that still needs to be done, but can't because the Republicans control the agenda in the House and demand a 60 vote super majority in the Senate.

She's probably expecting a flip in the House and removing the filibuster in the Senate.

That's a wrap for this cycle! Thanks for taking part everybody! See you in 2028! ;)

This has been a pretty remarkable piece of marketing, and communication of Democratic ideals from a party who has seemed to struggle with that pretty much as far back as I can remember.

They give a Republican a platform to speak by not the actual Uncommitted delegates who have a right to be there.

Harris promises the "most lethal" military on earth, to chants of "USA! USA!"


Babe, wake up. We're going to war.

Edit: still can't believe she went that hard about the military. You're an effing Democrat! You should never say you want us to have the most lethal military on Earth! You're supposed to be the counter balance.

What she's doing is disabling all of Trump's talking points.

Kamala is weak on the military. Yeah no.
Kamala wants to defund the police. Nope.
Kamala wants an open border. Um, actually...

He's got nothing he can attack her with, because the remaining issues, like Israel, he's actually worse on.

This speech was a strategic takedown of everything Trump would or could say, which leaves him with:

Playing both sides on Israel doing a genocide and warmongering on Iran. Pathetic.

Don Lemon says George W. Bush might be a speaker tonight.

hope so; harris getting supported by all of the living former (and present) presidents over trump would be quite the feat. some people in the thread need to understand not everything is for them; it's about appealing to moderates and potential republican voters too.

Jesus, can you imagine?

I mean, it would be on brand for the Dems. They've already forgiven all his war crimes and atrocious presidency.

Its about creating permission structures for Republicans who don't recognize their party to defect with their vote.

You don't have to condone dude A to let him tell the right audience that dude B is way bad.

Dems shifting to the right? The ratchet effect.

Thanks for self-identifying. Saved me some time.

Glad to catch it now considering the BS that account pushes…

Fighting to stop genocide is BS?

Ha there we go!

I was waiting for you to hit the genocide bingo card!

Say genocide again! You get a genocide! I get a genocide! we all get a genocide!

No one care about genocide except you!!!

Why would anyone care about genocide?

Saving democracy from a Trump presidency is a shift to the right?

Go ahead and end Genocide with your buddy Donnie then, if you want to keep the election pure from dirty Republican votes for a dem candidate.

Wow fuck all those people! She hugged someone!

They are so bad! You make such a point! She’s so shitty because of that photo! [BRANDED!]

Dare we say “mission accomplished” despite the fact that it’s totally off and has nothing to to do with anything? How far off the point is necessary?

How many photos do you need to keep up the appearance of being so far off?

Why Do Democrats Keep Embracing George W. Bush?

Lest we forget, Bush was an incredibly divisive president. He brought the country together for a fleeting moment after 9/11—then promptly frittered away all that goodwill by trusting his stupid gut and going his own way. He won reelection by slandering his war-hero opponent and stoking conservative fears about gay marriage. His line about being “a uniter, not a divider” was a long-standing joke. And his successor—who, for better and often for worse, seemed to genuinely believe in the ideal of national unity—rode a wave of anti-Bush fervor into the White House.

So bush is bad and you keep shitting on democrats why?

You’re getting pitiful at this point.

EDIT to add this is pitiful shit and you should feel pitiful.

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