Misinformation: Baseless claim about U.S. presidential candidate Kamala Harris crash spread by mysterious website

tardigrada@beehaw.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 87 points –
Baseless claim about Kamala Harris crash spread by mysterious site

A story posted on a mysterious website has been widely circulated on social media after it made a baseless claim that Kamala Harris - the Democratic presidential nominee - was involved in an alleged hit-and-run incident.

It claims, without providing evidence, that a 13-year-old girl was left paralysed by the crash, which it says took place in San Francisco in 2011.

The story, which was published on 2 September by a website purporting to be a media organisation called KBSF-San Francisco News, has been widely shared online. Some online posts by right-leaning users citing the story have been viewed millions of times.

BBC Verify has found numerous false details indicating it is fake and the website has now been taken down.


Fake news stories targeting the US

The story and the website it originally appeared on share striking similarities with a network of fake news websites that masquerade as US local news outlets, which BBC Verify has previously extensively reported on.

John Mark Dougan, a former Florida police officer who relocated to Moscow is one of the key figures behind the network.

Approached by BBC Verify to comment on the hit-and-run story, Mr Dougan denied any involvement, saying: “Do I ever admit to anything? Of course it’s not one of mine.”

The websites mix dozens of genuine news stories taken from real news outlets with what is essentially the real meat of the operation - totally fabricated stories that often include misinformation about Ukraine or target US audiences.

The websites are often set up shortly before the fake stories appear on them, and then go offline after they serve their purpose.


Conservatives have no media literacy and its a global problem.

Or people without any media literacy are more likely to vote for conservatives…

Have you ever met a liberal though? Eg. NPR is non-stop zionist propaganda. Two sides of the same coin.

“Liberal” doesn’t mean what many people think it means.

It doesn’t mean “leftist” or “progressive” or “humane”. There might be some overlap, but these are not the same things, despite conservatives trying to define them as such.

Curious comment, so I looked at Wikipedia’s Liberalism in the United States. Still not sure what you’re suggesting.

Could you elaborate?

Liberals are pro free market and capitalism. Leftists are pro social programs and taxing the rich.

Thanks! It sounds like “liberal” in this thread is what I’ve always called neoliberal, and “leftist” is what’s known as democratic socialism?

Depends on how far you want to go left. On the more extreme side, these people want to abolish capitalism entirely and replace it with a communal system (workers owning the means of production). Democratic socialism is a very moderate form where capitalism is kept, but people get a fair chance of living in the system (usually through monetary assistance), no matter what family they come from and what their abilities are.

I think you're confusing social democracy with democratic socialism. The first is as you say, and has huge overlap with liberalism, left liberalism, and progressive liberalism.

The second is achieving socialism through democratic means, without the need to overthrow government as once was believed to be entirely nessecary.

But then again, terms do change context over time, and by place. So maybe I'm the one who is wrong.

Where are you getting this? Also NPR is center-right, they havent been on "the left" for a good while

And now you, the mainstream media, are amplifying it and giving it oxygen.

It’s like y’all never learned the old Usenet adage: “don’t feed (quote) the trolls”.

Fact checking and clarifying fake news is not amplifying it, especially when it is already this widely spread.

Yes it is.

You might not wish it to be, but fact-checking absolutely does amplify fake news, especially if you give details.

A simple “this story is bullshit” is all that’s needed

A simple “this story is bullshit” is all that’s needed

That's what this is? I don't know what else you see or how your "this story is bullshit" wouldn't amplify it either then.

Exactly lol "this story is bullshit" with no further explanation is exactly what someone who is full of shit would say.

true. This article has a responsiblly worded headline, but it only takes one outlet to get the words just wrong enough...

I don't need fake stories, myself.

To me, electing someone who is famous for prosecuting non-violent drug users and truants en masse when our government is becoming increasingly more fascist by the day seems incredibly ill-advised.

But this is America. Ill-advised is what we do. You drink the unhealthy, uber-sugary soda and just ignore how unhealthy it is because Coke slapped a picture of a Marvel superhero on the can. We've demonstrated that we care more about the packaging than the actual product.

Electing someone who believes that we should have laws and enforce them is exactly what we should do.

When she was a prosecutor, it was not her job to change the laws or decide which ones to enforce. If we don't want non-violent drug users and truants prosecuted, then we should change those laws. We have a process for that, and it doesn't include prosecutors making those decisions for us.

Electing someone who believes that we should have laws and enforce them is exactly what we should do.

That is an exceedingly euphemistic statement about Harris' career.

How is it remotely euphamistic to say a career prosector believes in enforcing the law?

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Voting for Harris is ill advised if we are concerned about fascism? Are you really saying this with Trump on the ticket?

Why don't you want to vote for the felon rapist who has a history of racist comments and has taken money from corporations and foreign government over the Cop lady?

Yes, I am.

And I'd suggest that you use a defense other than: "Their guy is as bad as our guy."

When there are only two options om the ballot and one is set to steer your country into fascism and a recall of human rights — there is no comparison. You vote for the other one.

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