Warlord Straight Out of "Mad Max" Says Elon Musk Remotely Shut Down His Cybertruck

return2ozma@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 131 points –
Warlord Straight Out of "Mad Max" Says Elon Musk Remotely Shut Down His Cybertruck

  1. Good!
  2. I'm never buying a vehicle that can be remotely shut down.

technically any vehicle can be remotely shut down if you're high enough on a wanted list.

just ask Ayman al-Zawahiri, wait.... you can't.

"The remote shutdown did not affect these vehicles. They are operating normally, without any failures," he said Friday on Telegram, per CNN. "You couldn't ask for better advertising for the Cybertruck."

Buy a Cybertruck today! Only 1 in 3 chance it stops working after 2 months!

Hilarious article, but man - don’t go on that site without all of your ad and popup blockers at full throttle.

The website says futurism, it doesn't say if it's of the good kind or an ad driven dystopic hellscape.

Least unhinged Cybertruck owner. Though I use the term 'owner' very loosely here.

Go read up on how Kadyrov treats queer people in Chechnya.

Fuck all Cybertruck owners but I doubt most of them are as unhinged as this shitbag.

Hahaha, this makes my afternoon. Sippin tea, watching a syphilis-driven psycho have his toy bricked.

Our emperor Elon gave him a fair trial in a court of his peers before serving out the sentence?

Totally not unchecked power right?

Not diametrically apposed to Right To Repair right?

It might not have been Tesla that did it. Maybe it was one of Kadyrov's millions of raving fans.

WTF let the warlord use what he brought and paid for. Stop eula roofing him and let him Cook.

Read the article. Despite its headline, it goes on to say that the most likely explanation is that the shoddily built truck, that is known for breaking down all the time, probably broke down, as opposed to being remotely disabled.

I dunno. This kind of thing has been happening a lot. Word is Kamela Harris's earrings remotely disabled Donald Trump's brain for example.

Nah I'm not gonna educate myself. I'm getting mad on behalf of the warlord weather he wants me to or not.