Rudy Giuliani disbarred in D.C., months after disbarment in New York to politics – 548 points –
Rudy Giuliani disbarred in D.C., months after disbarment in New York

And he didn’t even get paid. Bahahahahahahahaha. Get fuuuuuuuuuucked Rudy.

You mean Trump didn't pay him for the time he worked for Trump? LOL 🤣 Imagine destroying your own life for free to protect a 34 count felonies racist sexist traitor orange man.

From what I remember, his creditors want to sue Trump for the money Trump didn't pay. But Giuliani is still being a Trump sycophant, despite getting fucked already.

The real question is why the hell is he still showing up at Trump rallies? Dafuq Trump got on him?

I think he’s just hoping against hope that once Trump is president again (ew, no) that he’ll be taken care of… even though Trump has a proven track record of fucking over his toadies.

You know you're an absolute train wreck when a news article devotes 2 entire paragraphs towards detailing all the shit you've recently mired yourself in but fail to mention the time you mistakenly thought you were gonna get a blowie in a feature-length film

Hah! Get fucked you hair dye leaking, Four Seasons Total Landscaping, election denying, 9/11 coattail riding piece of shit.

I said it the last state that disbarred him, ABOUT FUCKING TIME.

Why are all of NYC's mayors such reactionary pieces of shit, 10 miles to the right of the populace?