Clarence Thomas’ 38 Vacations: The Other Billionaires Who Have Treated the Supreme Court Justice to Luxury Travel to politics – 719 points –
Clarence Thomas’ 38 Vacations: The Other Billionaires Who Have Treated the Supreme Court Justice to Luxury Travel



It's crazy that he isn't in prison for this level of corruption. Crazier that he is still actively serving on the highest court in the U.S. His corrupt decisions are actively screwing us.

If these are the bribes that can prove, how many more has he taken that we can't?

1 more...

I've never had 38 vacations in my life and I'm 49yo

well, pick yourselves up by your bootstraps and become a Supreme Court Justice then! Simple!

Not that simple. You have to work hard on a reputation as a SCOTUS whore.

I haven't had half that many and I'm 70.

Honest question for a 70 yo... how did you discover lemmy? Did you migrate with reddit or from the before times?

I’ve had five vacations and I’m almost 40. Only three as an adult.

In the US, bribery is legal for the ruling class, illegal for everyone else.

Insider trading is legal for the ruling class, illegal for everyone else.

Embezzlement is legal for the ruling class, illegal for everyone else.

It is very hard to not get very wealthy if you are part of the ruling class. Money will just legally flow into your pocket, as long as you're not loyal to the people.

Are you really a public servant if you live like royalty?

Unelected... appointed for life... no ethics rules...

Yeah this is some real anti-democratic bullshit.

I never understood why we can elect local judges but not our Supreme Court. I understand why people say it's to keep it from being a political position that people run for like the president, but there has to be some harsher regulations on the Supreme Court judges becuase they keep doing shit like this. All the weird shit is to keep them "unbiased" but it's clearly that's just lie we tell the people to keep them placated.

If anyone believes the Supreme Court judges are unaffiliated with political parties, they are willingly ignorant.

It's horrific that we've arrived at a place where you can read about any conservative in power being caught red-handed committing any crime, and without even looking, you can be 100% sure that Republicans will ignore or deny the problem.

Zero integrity.

As all this stuff comes out and gets verified, I keep naively thinking that we will see these people face consequences soon. Eventually someone will have to take action and remove him from his position, but as time passes, nothing happens. The news cycle moves on, and the general population forgets.

It's shit like this that further drives me into nihilism.

100 percent agree. I mean, we talk about Trump facing consequences now, but he was entirely spared any charges for the campaign finance fronts that sent his lawyer to jail, and for which Trump was EXPRESSLY named as a co-conspirator! This was due to the decision of a Republican-dominated committee.

INFINITELY WORSE is that Biden's attorney general, Merrick Garland, declined to press charges or appoint a special counsel to investigate THE MOST EGREGIOUS CASE OF OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE IN UNITED STATES HISTORY. Mueller outlined all the ways that Trump thwarted the investigation into Russia's interference in our 2016 election on his behalf.

Trump fired the FBI director, and EXPRESSLY said (caught on tape) that AT THE TIME HE FIRED COMEY he was thinking that this would make the Russia investigation go away. To be clear, if you read this in a law school exam, you would know for sure that the professor was giving you a huge clue that mens rea was established (at the TIME of the criminal act, did the defendant intend to commit the crime). I mean, it was handed to us on a silver platter.

Just to be 100 percent clear on what happened: Trump was given a pass for obstructing the investigation into whether or not he committed TREASON by CONSPIRING with a foreign adversary to interfere with our presidential election.

AND DEMOCRATIC APPOINTED Merrick Garland sat on these charges to the point where they can no longer be filed because of the statute of limitations.

It was OUTRAGEOUS that Trump's own AG didn't press charges, but utter insanity that they weren't filed the instant Trump was out of office.

It's not just about whether these people has cases before the court. It's also about their access to influence and instill a political mindset within the Justices that could sway them to decide one way or the other on any issue.