These Texans turned in a voter registration form. So why weren’t they on the rolls? to politics – 279 points –
These Texans turned in a voter registration form. So why weren’t they on the rolls?

Media needs to start calling out the perpetrators by name. Gregg Abbot denied these legal citizens their constitutional rights to vote. That is a headline that will sink in and cause waves. This vague click baity bullshit keeps trying to hide the real truth.

We need a federal law that establishes a civil penalty people can sue their state over if they are incorrectly purged from the voter rolls. I think $10k per person would do it. States can still clean up the rolls, but they can't "accidentally" remove a bunch of legit voters without being on the hoo for millions in legal liability.

Except, the scum who are doing this will still do it because they won't pay the cost.

and we also forget each time they do it; every single election cycle.

You guys need the federal government to manage its own elections, simple as that.

past court cases have decided that the states get to control the voting processes; the federal government is powerless in this situation (except for a few extremely narrow hypothetical situations) which is why republicans are a thing still and are in charge of the rules.

You're greatly exaggerating. There are all sorts of federal regulations on how stats can handle voter registration and voting. That's the Civil Rights Act, the Motor Voter Act, prohibitions on poll taxes, and on and on. States run elections, but the federal government has broad authority to regulate federal elections.

the texan gov't does the crazy things every election cycle and it's in the news every time; but we have ultra short memories when it comes to elections due to not paying attention so we're just as surprised when they do it every single election cycle as we were surprised the last 80 times they did the same thing.

The "media" is owned by the people who want the rigging party to win.

I live in Texas and when my partner changed addresses for his voter registration, it took like 2 fucking months. It was wild. He was just about to send a new one in when we got the confirmation card in the mail finally.

I early voted yesterday and the poll worker nearly clicked that I did not have a sufficient photo ID because I was using my passport. Thankfully another poll worker intercepted right before she did because who knows what the fuck happens in the system when that button is pressed even once for you. 12-hr waiting period so I have "sufficient time" to retrieve my "proper" id? Getting on some purge list going forward for "suspicious voter activity"? I wouldn't put anything past them... And, of course, I was only using my passport because I thought they might hassle me for my license address not matching my registration. They instead got hung up on the fact that my passport doesn't have an address... Welcome to the South!

it's not just the south; it's all red, purple & battleground states: 32 out of 50

with all the years of GOP working to suppress voters, why is everyone still surprisepikachu.jpg when the exact fucking thing they were going for happens?

Reason number * I'm glad I don't live in america but trump is a potential threat to other countries so vote HarrisWalz

It's worse; states like California have their voting shit together on this and will likely be at least 70% for Harris but it won't matter because the electrical college makes it up to 7 or so states to decide the most important election on the planet. She'll get the popular vote almost guaranteed. It's agonizing.

I think of it this way:

Imagine Hitler coming to power in Germany and preparing to conquer the world, only instead of starting with a crippled country struggling to survive, he's got the largest military in the world with as much military spending as the next nine countries combined.

democrats and foreigners always seem to have the same grasp of the details of the american elections and i think that's why trump and the other republicans have good chances at winning despite being so outnumbered; they know more and are better organized than the democrats.

It is amazing that the country that sent people to the moon still needs voter registration, has a first past the post voting system, an electoral college, and a political financing system wide open to abuse by the rich.