monsterule to – 324 points –

The rest are ALL negative effects

  • Heart Palpitations

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Withdrawal 6 hours after consumption

takes Purity alchemy perk IRL and starts just randomly tossing fluids together on the off-chance that some of them improve each other

At least Red Bull has a nutrient I need (vegetarian B12, for my blood and nerves)

You can supplement B12 quite easily. Eat a B12 tablet once every two days and you should be g2g.

As far as energy drinks go, I generally lean towards red bull or c4 depending on the task. Red Bull has the most magnesium I've seen from an energy drink, so the caffeine isn't as unbearably buzzy. C4 is just better for anything seriously physical though

I just fall asleep after having an energy drink

Restore Fatigue (10 points)

Drain Fatigue (100 points)

Wouldn't "Restore Fatigue" mean it makes you more tired?

In proper English? Yes.

In the world of Elder Scrolls? No.