How do you shell expand your variables and why? to – 63 points –

@zephyr echo "${HOME}/docs"

This is the best way. It's also the way the Shellcheck wants sometimes recommends.

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This has never stuck with me, and I hadn't thought about why until now. I have two reasons why I will always write ${x}_$y.z instead of ${x}_${y}.z:

  • Syntax highlighting and shellcheck have always caught the cases I need to add braces to prevent $x_ being expanded as ${x_}.
  • I write a lot of Zsh. In Zsh, braces are optional in way more cases. "$#array[3]" actually prints the length of the third item in array, rather than (Bash:) the number of positional parameters, then the string 'array[3]'.

@gamma I just use them out of consistency and principle, so I don't need to think in which case it is required or not.

I will always write ${x}_$y.z instead of ${x}_${y}.z:

The difference between the two seems different to what's in the OP. Is there a typo here?

in the OP

My reply is to a commenter who said they prefer "${HOME}/docs" over both options in the original image ("$HOME/docs" or "$HOME"/docs). Many people prefer to always include braces around the parameter name out of consistency, instead of only when they are required.

My comment explained why my habit is to only include braces when they are necessary.

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find “$(echo $HOME > variable_holder.txt && cat variable_holder.txt)/$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “d”) $(cat alphabet.txt | grep “o”)$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “c”)$(cat alphabet.txt | grep “s”)”

This is the easiest method

@ilega_dh You don't need cat in cases when grep "d" alphabet.txt can read from file too. Edit: But obviously your comment was more of a joke to over complicate it. So never mind then.

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What should I search to better understand what is written here? Don't mind learning myself, just looking for the correct keywords. Thanks!

This comment is a joke and you wouldn't want to do it like that in reality, but here are some related keywords you could look up: "Unix cat", "Unix pipeline", "grep", "output redirection", "command substitution".

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First one, then the other, then I forget the quotes, then I put them in single quotes by accident, then I utilize that "default value" colon syntax in case I'm missing HOME , then I just stick to ~ for the rest of the file.

Typically find "$HOME/docs", but with a few caveats:

  • In Zsh or Fish, the quotes are unnecessary: find $HOME/docs

  • If I'm using anything potentially destructive: mv "${HOME:?}/bin" ...

  • Of course, if it's followed by a valid identifier character, I'll add braces: "${basename}_$num.txt"