Beware, Trump conspirators! Rudy's latest loss is a reminder that the courtroom is your kryptonite

USA to politics – 323 points –
Beware, Trump conspirators! Rudy's latest loss is a reminder that the courtroom is your kryptonite

Won't matter until they face real consequences.

Being buried in legal fees is a good start.

Unlike student loans which persist through bankruptcy, most attorney fees incurred before filing bankruptcy will be treated as unsecured debt and eliminated in any consumer bankruptcy case. It's a ridiculous double standard.

Not sure where you're going with this. Student loans have a special carve out preventing them from being ejected during bankruptcy.

The solution isn't to make them everything like student loans but to remove the special carve out for student loans.

I don’t agree. In most cases the loan shouldn’t exist in the first place or should be far cheaper if they do. It’s not even a debate whether we want an educated workforce or not. It’s really just that the wealthy don’t want to pay taxes to cover the cost even though they are the main beneficiaries.

Exactly, the rich can be buried in legal fees and then can get out of it by declaring bankruptcy, meanwhile people who legitimately can't make ends meet due to being buried in student loans have no way to get out from it. Rudy's already selling his apartment in NYC for 6 million and one can guess the money from that sale will be protected if he declares bankruptcy.


His primary residency would be protected in bankruptcy.

Selling it turns it into liquid assets.

I’m guessing his attorneys are not accepting IOUs.

Now that they are in big boy court, the lawyers are charging massive upfront retainers.

I think Trump's was a couple million.

Not entirely convinced by this specific example - he lost the civil case by default because [people think] responding to discovery might reveal things that he doesn't want the criminal case to know about.

Deliberately incurring a fine in one case to try and avoid jail in another is a bit different than not being able to mount a defense.

Any prosecutor worth their salt will see this move and immediately move to ammend their discovery motion for whatever the civil trial would've asked for, too, for the exact reason you listed.

4 more...

Turns out the MAGA firehose of bullshit goes appropriately limp and useless in court.

It just confirms that there is conspiracy against them.

All it confirms is that they're corrupt and stupid, like their supporters.

No, you have it reversed. They're the conspirators.

You kinda gotta include a /s unfortunately. Some people actually feel that way, you know?

Yeah, I see that it went over their heads.

Have a compensation upvote. People need to understand /s without having to write it out.

That having been said ...your wording could have been a bit more sarcastic to let the reader know.