A type of meme

YAMAPIKARIYA@lemmyfi.com to Memes@sopuli.xyz – 405 points –

Who doesn't do this?

Mine is staffed by holograms until you walk up and get a humans attention

Me because they keep trying to sell me things. And I feel awkward ignoring them

When I'm in a confrontational mood and some sales-mosquito approaches me to make some pitch, I'll cut them off after the first word or two by waving my hand at them like a Jedi and saying "Adblock."

The trade-off is that it REALLY pisses off the wife, cuz she thinks we need to be polite to popups that manifest as a human, so, gotta mind the timing :P

It's their fault for renting the corner space.

The nearby mall here has the jewelry shop roped off, and you need to prove you can afford the products sold there.

Go on, prove it! Prove that you can afford our stuff!


Who buys this shit from a mall? I never understood the target audience.

Because I'm already there for new jeans and chipotle so I might as well get a white gold tiara while I'm at it

a lot of chemical processes are forever. in fact, next time you take a dump, that's forever. you have altered the universe with your horrific leavings.

If it was irreversible, life would've become impossible a long time ago because we would've run out of resources. Microbes and bacteria can break down waste though and make useful products for life again. It's true that you've altered the universe, it's just that literally everything you do -or don't do- does.

This is why I never poop. I'm leaving life with everything I've used

so then the universe is left with all the never-poops. i forgot there are some other baked-in ideas. So you refused to poop ever again... you are still a casualty of the regular silly-ness of all of it

You should normalise throwing those little bags of dogshit into any business frequented by rich people.