Molly, Signal fork introduced multiple devices support tablets included, all linked to one single account to – 189 points –
Release v6.31.2-1 · mollyim/mollyim-android

also looks like few days ago Louis Rossmann made a substantial donation to Mollyim.

Cool. I really respect his opinions, so I'll definitely be giving this a look. I still need to get my wife on board though, since that's what killed Signal for me last time I tried it (no point when the person I send the most sensitive info to doesn't use it).

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the two can co-exist as well... you can keep your Signal install on your primary device and you can install Molly on a tablet, and have it linked to your Signal app as a linked device. this way there's no loss of data on your primary device

Oh that's nice to know !

Is it interoperable with signal?

I was curious, so I read the GitHub page:

Molly connects to the Signal server, so you can chat with your Signal contacts seamlessly. Please remember to review the Signal Terms & Privacy Policy before signing up.

Can you simply use a signal backup to move to Molly ? And can you go easily back to Signal, if required in the future ?

As long as the Molly version is greater than or equal to the Signal version, it will work. Molly updates usually trail behind signal updates, so you'll have to either time it right or pause updates on you Signal app.

I want to know this, too. I have signal now, but don't mind moving over if I simply didn't lose anything.

you create a backup on signal and then restore from backup in molly. Nothing's lost.

Apologies, but why would one prefer the fork over the original? Aren't they both FOSS anyways?

How long till they cut off access?

Why would they do that?

Their terms and services forbid third party clients for security reasons, and they have enforced it before. They have a bit of a point in that they can't ensure that 3rd party applications aren't spying on you, or more importantly other users you chat with, but that point is mooted when they refuse to document the risk of other apps, like your phone keyboard or "AI" assistant doing the same (which is already happening in some countries).

The second Signal works out that this exists.

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Just installed the FOSS version, was greeted with a "you can encrypt your database with a passphrase" message, put a long password in both fields, and, well, app crashes. Not really trustworthy imo

Shorter password and even just letters (yikes) doesn't work either

So, encryption is just flat out broken then?

In my experience, yes. Can only speak for myself and my device though

Okay, everyone, I installed the current update and the app no longer crashes 🥳 but now I don't know how to import my Signal data from within the same phone (the local export/import doesn't really work and doesn't include messages)

I find it absolutely hilarious that deleting contacts is listed as a feature. Like why is that so hard for Signal to do?

Afaik they use your phones contacts. If you want to delete one, you need to delete the number from your phone.

They import from your phone contacts but if you delete someone from your phone contacts, they stay in the app.

You also can't delete group messages from the app.

After switching from an iPad to an Android tablet recently this is exactly what I was looking for