pants rule to – 558 points –

How would a man wear pants?


This makes me so uncomfortable. I've beat off like 3 times now. Disgusting.

bro, why’ve they drawn him so hot??

not even gay btw, but this shit could turn a mfer

man shouldnt wear pants at all 🤤

plot twist those are two different people and it's date night

As a man currently wearing pants, like #2. Pants do not have 4 legs. The clothing item represented by #1 is not pants. If it had a back, or might be a body suit.

It's a good thing men don't actually exist. We'd have quite a conundrum otherwise.

They should be wearing them on their front legs.

I don't know if "should" is really the right word here, but I like your thinking.

Well pants only have 2 legs so it would be the right one

It's obviously not the wrong one so it must be the right one but which of these is the right one?

I would absolutely wear #1. Temperature regulation would be so easy - too hot? lie on belly. too cold? lie back on a blanket.