Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Resolution Apologizing for 1973 Chilean Coup to politics – 438 points –
Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Resolution Apologizing for 1973 Chilean Coup

The resolution also calls for the declassification of all U.S. documents related to the coup and its aftermath.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and several other U.S. lawmakers introduced a resolution on Thursday that formally commemorates the 50th anniversary of the deadly 1973 military coup in Chile and apologizes for the role the United States played in the toppling of the Latin American nation’s democratically elected government.

The resolution also calls for the declassification of all remaining U.S. documents related to the coup and the events preceding and following it.

“Let me be clear: we must stand up for democracy here in the United States and beyond,” Sanders (I-Vt.) said in a statement. “And that means we must also acknowledge that the United States has not always defended democracy abroad, and in fact, has sometimes done the opposite.”

“As we mark the 50th anniversary of the horrific coup in Chile, we must make clear that we regret our involvement and commit to supporting Chilean democracy,” he added. “To build the lasting partnerships we need in this hemisphere, we will need to establish a basis of trust and respect. Part of that process includes full accountability for the coup and its aftermath.”

The new resolution comes after Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) joined a group of U.S. lawmakers on a Latin America trip that included a stop in Chile, where the New York Democrat stressed the importance of declassifying the coup-related documents to shed more light on the Nixon administration’s role in the violent ouster of Salvador Allende on September 11, 1973.

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You know I was going to say I don't know if this would do any good, but the more I think about it I think it's actually pretty crucial. Because we're seeing a lot of weird talk about the Chilean fascist regime lately. I don't know if you noticed this but it seems almost popular among certain right-wing extremist groups. Lord knows most people don't know much about the Chilean coup. It's a dark part of our history and maybe this would bring attention to it. Education is always best.

It should be tied to a full release of every government document related to the coup, and a one way ticket to Chile for Kissinger.

Most people know little about any of the multiple coups we facilitated. Just as most people have no idea we stole Hawaii from it's people forcefully annexing it. Turning is people into second class citizens in their own home. And that this wasn't the only place we did that. Not even counting the continental United States.

Most of US history is pretty dark. However as citizens. Were so brainwashed and or history whitewashed. Filled with false hero worship. That we can't really comprehend.

Every country has a dark past

To some extent perhaps. Not that it justifies anything. But most of them do not Gaslight whitewash or propagandize their citizens as much about it. Americans are particularly under educated about our history of things even as recent as the last 50 years.

I'd argue it would help a lot if there was a similar apology for the 1953 Iranian coup. Good luck getting that through congress though.. If the vote failed it would probably do more harm than good.

It’s good they’re doing this, but really feels like that South Park parody of BP’s reactions to the oil spills with “we’re sorry” videos

It's a bit more than "we're sorry", the declassifying part is pretty important

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Very important political work. We need to spend our time apologizing for things that happened over 50 years ago. Let's use all our political resources to continue doing that.

i totally agree fam, recent history has no impact on politics 🤡

50 years ago is not recent

ikr? like get over it, it's not like anything has effects on society that last for 50 years or longer 🤡

I don't think the 1973 chilean coup has any practical effect on modern society. and I don't think this virtue signalling apology does anything either.

Lol it's not like this actually takes any real time. These resolutions take all of 30 min

yes cause this is what they should be working on right now to make our country better ,,,,,/s

I agree, this is crucial. If you don't know your past you're bound to repeat it.

The US will repeat it time and time again. Anything exposing the US in a bad light in the documents will be redacted as 'security'

I love how, when Sanders' name appears in the headline, it becomes impossible to distinguish a trumper from a centrist.

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