Republican congressman to nominate Trump for House speaker to politics – 96 points –
Republican congressman to nominate Trump for House speaker

Troy Nehls, from Texas, calls Trump ‘the greatest president of my lifetime’ and says he will nominate him to replace Kevin McCarthy

A Texas Republican said he would nominate Donald Trump to be the next speaker of the US House of Representatives, after the party completed the unprecedented removal of one of its own, Kevin McCarthy.

Troy Nehls said: “This week, when the US House of Representatives reconvenes, my first order of business will be to nominate Donald J Trump for speaker of the US House of Representatives.

“President Trump, the greatest president of my lifetime, has a proven record of putting America first and will make the House great again.”

The speaker does not have to be a member of Congress, though no speaker has ever assumed the role without holding a seat.


Just when I think things can't get any dumber, here comes a MAGAt to prove me wrong. I would say this is just a stupid stunt that won't get anywhere, but since we're clearly still on the dumbest possible timeline I'm scared he might actually win the position.

From a practical standpoint, if he were to become speaker, would that disqualify him from running for president? Or would it be one of those things where he could just resign if he won?

Here's hoping it's a moot point because he's behind bars soon.

I just can't imagine him having a role like that where he's not always the centre of attention but has to listen to other people.

Which raises another interesting question, what happens if he turns down the position?

Edit: Thinking about this more, this entire thing is a really fascinating thought exercise even if him actually getting elected would be just the absolute dumbest possible outcome for many, many reasons, not the least of which would be his complete and total inability to actually do the job.

Frankly this is precisely why I’d like to see him nominated. It would put him under an enormous public spotlight.

He’d just give a list of stand-ins and never do anything beyond gloat, bloviate, and egg on his white terrorists to put him back in the presidency.

He’s not capable of understanding how to officiate taking a shit on his own. How’s he gonna announce bills?

Just remember: when you think a MAGAt has hit rock bottom... they own lots of heavy mining equipment and don't give a fuck about the environment.

The rules say a person under indictment can not hold the position. Now they could try to change the rules, but I don't think they could get enough votes to do it.

That's ok, none of the Republican congressmen know how to read, so silly things like "rules" won't get in their way.

They didn't let the rules get in the way when they initiated the Biden impeachment.

They'd need to pick a speaker before they can change the rules, right? I thought the speaker pro tempore can't hold votes on anything but a new speaker.

Slowly getting sick of that drama queen country.

The fallout that proceeded the presidential election in 2016. Will be regarded as one of the most significant turning points in American history and political culture. Combine a narcissistic sociopath (Trump) and a global communication platform (insert SV social media company/service). The result is a base of unremarkable individuals who lives revolve around them and their entitled "rights", and anyone that disagrees is automatically the enemy.

And the festering ball of white hot rage because America had the audacity to elect a Black man as President.

I think the fallout of the Obama election would be that. Trump is just the latest evolution of the tea party that swept the midterms after.

Like the game you play with your friends around fortune cookies, where you add "in bed" at the end, any metaphor about America needs to end in "with a gun".

Drama queen with a gun feels about right.

I've reached a point where I mentally substitute "Dumbass" for "Republican" in any sentence I read, and I'm delighted to report that my usage seems to improve clarity and readability.

give it a shot.

Troy Nehls is a year older than me and I can confidently say, Trump isn't the greatest President of EITHER of our lifetimes.

He's not even the greatest REPUBLICAN President of our lifetimes.

He's not even the greatest president of anyone's lifetime, including, theoretically, vampires, Highlanders and elves.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

A Texas Republican said he would nominate Donald Trump to be the next speaker of the US House of Representatives, after the party completed the unprecedented removal of one of its own, Kevin McCarthy.

Trump’s name has been floated before, including during the 15-vote marathon rightwingers put McCarthy through in January before allowing him to take up the gavel.

Trump is the clear frontrunner in the Republican presidential primary, notwithstanding 91 criminal charges (for election subversion, retention of classified information and hush-money payments) and civil threats including a New York fraud trial and a defamation trial in the same city arising from a rape allegation a judge said was “substantially true”.

In a book published on Tuesday, the author Michael Lewis reported that the disgraced cryptocurrency billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried considered offering Trump $5bn to step aside.

Jim Jordan of Ohio, a possible candidate for speaker, told Hannity: “He’d be great, but actually I want Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.

David Frum, a former aide to George W Bush, pointed to House ethics rules, saying: “Why Trump won’t take the speaker job in one Google search.”

The original article contains 479 words, the summary contains 191 words. Saved 60%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!