Trump NDAs Scrapped: Hundreds Of 2016 Campaign Staffers Can Now Publicly Criticize Him As Court Finalizes Settlement to politics – 782 points –
Trump NDAs Scrapped: Hundreds Of 2016 Campaign Staffers Can Now Publicly Criticize Him As Court Finalizes Settlement

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The fuck did I miss?

Wasn't there the theory that he was so friendly with Putin because they have video footage of him getting peed on by Moscow hookers?

No, it was him watching Moscow hookers pissing on a bed in the presidential suite of a hotel, with a previous resident of that room being Obama. It's been a while since I thought about the piss tape.

Nothing in this article mentioned that. Unless I missed it too.

So this is just some guy on the Internet spewing bs at this point.

Wasn't there like a testimony from an FBI guy about the pee tapes or something though? I think there was no hard evidence, but the pee tapes at least have to some plausibility.

The rumour was that Russia had a video of him getting peed on by prostitutes in Sweden or something. Russia likes to motivate with sticks, even when they dangle a carrot, so if (hah) Russia were involved it stands to reason they'd have something to leverage him with.

To the surprise of absolutely nobody who's not in the cult.

"Robert E. Peetapes" is back on the menu, boys.

The shittier version of David s pumpkins. Tis the season I guess.

Congratulations to Jessica Denson!

This has been years in the making. We're going to see a shitload more reports (and books) of how incredibly fucked the entire campaigns and administration was under that orange fuckwit.

NDAs are the biggest crock of shit ever and should be made universally null and void, yes, even in cases where they're valid. What the fuck is the point of having freedom of speech if someone can just coerce/threaten/force you to into signing it away?

I think there is an argument to keep them for things like products in development phases to stop people from blabbing to possible competitors, but this particular situation is bullshit.

That could easily be solved by just removing competition from our economy. Lets just work together on shit, that's a lot better for everyone.

Technically a Page 13 in a government/military setting is an NDA. Now in your ideal world, sure, you'd never need to keep secrets, but in the real world, you probably don't want a potential invader to know your exact defense systems, capabilities, guard locations and the best and least guarded places to come in and out.

Even assuming a completely peaceful world, you probably don't want to be sharing the passwords to critical infrastructure or the private medical information of people on a hospital database.

God the US military losing all of its teeth?? I can only get so hard!!

Not just the US military - any military. Plus the designs for nuclear weapons, bioweapons and chemical weapons becoming public knowledge. How would you like some plague and radiation for breakfast, white phosphorus for lunch, and then nerve gas for dinner?

I think white phosphorus manufacturing is pretty open knowledge or atleast the most baic form of manufacturing, its just that its so volatile that generally speaking its not worth it.

Same with nerve agents, ya basically need it on an industrial scale to be effective. Remember that cult in Japan who gassed the subway, they also did the same thing with trucks its just that it diluted and was blown away that only a handful of people died and most got a bad headache at worst.