Rule of Game Grid

Uriel238 [all pronouns] to – 965 points –

Feel the rhythm! Feel the rhyme! Get on up, it's bobsled time!Β 

Is there a Badass Pic Award wherever they have to compete?

It's crazy to me that Nigeria has a bobsledding team, where would they practice?

Is weight an advantage or a disadvantage in bobsledding?

Weight is an advantage. While a heavier sled is harder to accelerate they build up more speed over the course of the run.

The minimum weight for the sled is 170kg. The maximum weight for sled and athletes combined is 390kg (Men) and 340kg (Women)

Thanks for looking that up for me. Do you have anything to add?

this picture is literally perfect except that they're against a white background. whose idea was that. turn that sh*t black, throw in some neon green edge lighting, and those three could be on a movie poster