Does New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Have a Bank Account? to politics – 112 points –
Does New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Have a Bank Account?

House Ethics Committee filing guidelines state that members must disclose bank accounts they have at every financial institution, as long as the account holds at least $1,000 and the combined value of all accounts—including those belonging to their spouse and dependent children—exceeds $5,000.

Dude is either a broke Republican, he's hiding his money in offshore accounts, or he's donating so much money to his church that he's effectively broke.

Either way, he's doing it wrong.

If there is a plausible scenario that involves him straight-up lying, not giving a single fuck and telling anyone who is asking that they can go fuck themselves - well, that's the explanation I would go with.

There's zero chance he's a broke Republican.

Broke Republicans exist. They’re just not the ones in elected office. They’re the ones being duped by the ones in elected office.

Or he is "buried gold" level unhinged.

And if that's true, that's an asset and would constitute an ethics violation. I sincerely hope it's that one, and we can start calling him "Pirate Mike."

Everyone remember when Senator Menendez's home was searched and they found hundreds of thousands in cash and gold bars - and he tried to explain it away with a bogus story about his family's fear of banks?

Just sayin' ....

Hmm, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he had some shenanigans going on.

He's a Christian nationalist evangelical. Of course he has shenanigans going on.

At first it thought it was going to be about how biblical takes on interest is that it’s fucking evil.

I’m disappointed that it’s just “mere” corruption.

The Daily Beast: caring about what really matters.


Yeah, actually, they do get to the point. Here it is:

“One of the reasons we have these financial disclosures is to know whether politicians are having financial difficulties—which could make them ripe for influence buying,” Libowitz said.

I'd say that's cause for concern, and a reason to look a little more closely at what our newest Speaker is up to.

Full disclosure of financial assets does matter. And the financial activities of Congress are extremely important to interpret how they vote and what issues they pursue!