U.S., Israel and Hamas reach tentative deal to pause conflict and free dozens of hostages

jeffw@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 219 points –

okay Gaza, go back to your...oh yeah your houses are still gone

It’s like gambling, but instead of winning, you can only lose! And you have a 50% chance of losing everything!!

Can't undo the murders that started it all either. Stop making the terrorists plan work you simpleton.

And what the IDF is doing is not terrorism?

Demolishing a terrorist organization that has spread throughout the general population of Gaza like a cancer.

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But how many civilians are they going to revive?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Concern about the captives — two of whom Israel said were found dead — along with the rising number of Palestinian civilian casualties have steadily increased pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

After initial hesitation, the Biden administration, under its own domestic pressure between advocates of unstinting support for Israel’s war aims and concern over the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, has fully backed a temporary pause in the fighting.

Beginning with President Biden’s trip to Tel Aviv a week after the war began, and followed by multiple visits from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other senior officials, the administration has pushed hard with Netanyahu to understand that it is losing the narrative high ground as more Palestinians die.

Brett McGurk, the White House National Security Council’s top Middle East official, is on an extended trip to the region to try to solidify the hostage release plan, including meetings in Israel and Qatar.

McGurk told the conference that Hamas’s release of a “large number” of the hostages, believed to total 239, “would result in a significant pause in fighting and a massive surge of humanitarian relief.

Those remarks drew an angry response from Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, who interpreted them as signaling that a pause allowing humanitarian relief would come only after the hostages were released unconditionally by Hamas.

The original article contains 1,174 words, the summary contains 221 words. Saved 81%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

As soon as the hostages are released, the bombing will resume.

Please note that I want the hostages to survive just as much as I want the bombing to cease.

Paywall. Is Israel also going to release Palestinian women and children hostages?

People complain when I post stories from 3rd parties that say “according to Washington Post” and people complain when I link the Washington Post lol

The article only mentions releasing hostages in Gaza

Different people complaining, I think.

Post the archive.org version of paywalled articles to get fewer complaints.

Conflict? How the fuck they gonna call it a 'conflict'? It's an outright terrorist fucking war!

But hey, let's just tell them to press the pause button, they can go back to their 'conflict' tomorrow...

Yes, Israel is a terrorist state.

Did I name a country? Did I name a group? No.

I don't know for myself what all factors led up to the current situation going on over there, other than what the news and media presents. As if I trust everything I hear on the news...

But I do know the extreme destruction and massive deaths we're all seeing on the news. That's not a conflict, a conflict is when two dudes fist fight at a bar.

To call the events going on over there a conflict is a goddamn joke, call it for what it is, terrorism.

Being ignorant of the facts doesn't change them.

Israel colonized and displaced the indigenous population 75+ years ago and have been doing the genocide thing ever since.

I agree it's not a conflict at all but a genocide.

I'll definitely agree with your term as well, it's a genocide.

Two wrongs don't make a right... ☹️

Two wrongs are almost never equivalent.

Also you're incorrect. Suicide is a wrong. Hitler was a wrong. But that turned out ok.

Suicide is not wrong.

And it should be a right.

Suicide should be a right. It's wrong that any consciousness should be in a situation where it's even a consideration.

Some British folks colonized and displaced the Native Americans over 200 years ago. I'm partly Native American myself, but am I all butthurt about it? Nothing I can or even should do about it.

Yes it sucks, but things that happened decades or even centuries before I was born ain't my problem. All they're doing is dragging on more and more death and destruction, and that ain't right, I don't care how anyone looks at it.

Are you annoyed at how native Americans are treated today?

I wouldn't describe it as annoyed, more like disappointed and sad.

I'm not enough percentage Native American to qualify for their 'benefits' of living on reservations. I'm only like 23% or so, gotta be 25% or higher Native American to qualify for whatever bullshit benefits they get.

And yes I do occasionally keep up with what's going on with all that, and honestly it really has been disappointing. They never cared about the Native Americans in the first place, and that's a very sad situation itself.

I'm a peaceful person. Even if I have angry or upset words, I'm not about to go to war with anyone or any country, unless it's in self defense.

Otherwise I would be just as evil as the enemy. Gotta be better than that yo.

At the time, they were pissed they were kicked out of the land, and I'm sure some old people still are (there are people old enough to be able to look at their family house they were kicked out of).

But now, I'm sure most of them are passed about what's happening now, that they get the bare minimum of calories, that they are always surveilled by drones to the point that they can't sleep from their droning, that their trash piles up as it's controlled by the Israelis, they can't leave their waters or travel to other places, most of their water is poisoned, most of their family was killed by IDF, etc.

If you're going to quote history, try quoting all of it not just the parts that suit your story.

Egypt, Transjordan, Syria, and expeditionary forces from Iraq entered Palestine.[16][17][18][19] The invading forces took control of the Arab areas and immediately attacked Israeli forces and several Jewish settlements.[

Israel after the war had a significant interest in controlling access to the golan heights which was the pass used by those armies and passage was allowed by Palestine.


I don't know about you but if my neighbor is allowing people to walk into my yard and start a fight with me, I'm going to have a problem and want to have a controlled access solution.

And no, I'm not interested in further conversations with you specifically because I don't believe you're making good faith arguments. I believe that you're jumping on to at best a "fuck Israel" bandwagon and at worst a "fuck Jews" bandwagon that's all too common these days.

If anyone else is interested in discussing we can start with my stance, I am a Jew and I abhore the actions being taken in Israel and Palestine today. I wish for a peaceful resolution of the conflict and a solution that allows for a lasting peace where neither country is concerned with land based invasions.

That says nothing of the displacement of the people there.

I'm a Jew as well but very far from a Zionist. Fuck Israel indeed. My ancestors weep at what Zionists are doing and trying to associate that with "Jewishness".

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Uh Palestinians are not fucking indigenous.

Palestine only became an idea after the Muslim conquest of the levant in the late 600s CE, when the Arabs went on their own genocide across the entire Middle East conquering everything and raping and killing everyone in sight.

If you want to talk about indigenous, then you’d have to go back to the Israelites around 3200 years ago, or the Philistines before them.

"Like in other 'Arabized' Arab nations, the Arab identity of Palestinians, largely based on linguistic and cultural affiliation, is independent of the existence of any actual Arabian origins."


Please realize there are lots of Palestinian Christians. They identify as Palestinians.

TL;DR Palestinian lineage doesn't come from Saudi Arabia.

Umm, hate to break it to you but the actual word Palestinian is derived from the Hebrew word for Philistines. You couldn't be more wrong in everything that you wrote.

Both Jews and Arabs from that area share a common ancestry (as proven by DNA testing).

And the Jews were there first. Before the Arab Muslims genocided them. Of course they share common DNA, the Muslims raped every woman from birth to the grave there.

The Jews and the Palestinians are both Semites and share a common ancestry. The Palestinians have also been there for centuries now. They are the defacto indigenous population there at this moment.

Indigenous does not just mean “there for a long time”. White people have been in North America for centuries now but nobody is gonna say they’re indigenous.

And yes, Muslims and Jews both trace their ancestry to the biblical Abraham. The split was when Abraham banished Hagar and Ishmael and they went to the desert in Arabia.

Also Semitic just means a language group.

If people who are genetically predisposed to living in the area aren't indigenous then the European Jews in Israel with some of the highest rates of skin cancer aren't either.

No one is indigenous to anywhere by your logic since we evolved from a species before us.

Either that or one place in Africa where the first homo sapiens came from are the only indigenous people in the world.

Alright, everyone needs to learn to identify trolls/hateful idiots and just not engage when it's on this level. To be crystal clear, I'm referring to the user Earthwormjim91.

If this individual truly believes the delusional bullshit they're peddling, do you really think you are going to change their addled mind? No. Just bury hate and misinformation like this with downvotes and move on.

There's no fruitful discussion to be had with people like this. They just spew bullshit like diarrhea in regard to any evidence or counterpoint. They argue in bad faith and are not bound by facts, logic, or the truth.

Engaging with toxic users like this just provides more comments for them to respond to and spread more hateful lies and misinformation.

Don't feed trolls people.

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I mean it's the fertile crescent. It's been likely that it's been being recolonized for hundreds of thousands of years. Not really any other landroutes out of Africa.

Which means that nobody there is indigenous. The actual indigenous peoples have been genocided over millennia.

Indigenous people having rights is a rather modern concept in terms of human history.

Or that many groups have indigenous claims to the area.

For example, pacific islanders didnt' get to many islands till the 900-1100 time period. We'd still call them indigenous peoples of those places.

More than one thing can be true at the same time.

We call them indigenous because they were the first ones there…

Palestinians were not. They killed the people who were there and took it.

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