Binder of classified material on Russia reportedly went missing in final Trump days to – 320 points –
Binder of classified material on Russia reportedly went missing in final Trump days

It's not missing. Putin knows right where it is.

He probably sits on it to make himself feel a little taller.

"Binder...2700 pages" excuse me what the fuck

I heard from Mitt that it was full of women...

(Now that's a throwback)

It's the BIGGEST binder in the History of Binders!

I've got to see this binder. It must be enormous! The largest I see for sale online claim to hold 1000 pages

It's reported as being 10 inches thick. What a binder!

"Meet me in the Confidential Documents Bathroom if you wanna see my big 10 inch"

Move over, binders full of women, make room for binders full of classified material!