Jeff Bezos foresees a trillion people living in millions of space colonies. Here's what he's doing to get the ball rolling. to – -33 points –
Jeff Bezos foresees a trillion people living in millions of space colonies. Here's what he's doing to get the ball rolling.

If we’re out in the solar system, we can have a trillion humans in the solar system, which means we would have 1,000 Mozarts and 1,000 Einsteins.

The world population now is ten times what it was in Mozart’s day. The reason we don’t have ten Mozarts now isn’t because of a population shortage, it’s because too many of those people are living in inescapable poverty so Bezos can indulge his fantasies.

Also, all of those Mozarts put their early work up on YouTube and then got chased off by a bunch of trolls, so their genius will never be appreciated.

Oh look... the billionaire parasites are pretending their fevered fantasies should matter to the rest of us again.

Jeff Bezos could put a 12ga to his temple and pull the trigger and do more to advance space travel than he's currently doing.

Uhhhh, slaves?

No, you see, they're completely free people except for the part where we control their employment and if they can't pay their bills we cut off their air.

Yep, I think everyone has it wrong, they're not trying to get to space. They're trying to put everyone else in space while they keep the earth.

Bezos already has those. Maybe he can gamify some of those Amazon warehouse workers into a rocket.

We can't even take care of this planet. Space colonies are out until we can.

I cant even with space obsessed folks. Like if we truly can't even get it right here, its over anyway

The $elfi$hne$$ of billionaire$ must be ¢ontained

Space is the eventuality of mankind. We can't neglect it. But it is right that we can't just discard planet earth and expect we will fare any better up there where materials are scarce and every law of nature is trying to kill you.

Its a fantasy the rich use to distract from improving conditions and humanity's behavior (particularly their own) here geographically + economically and now temporally.

The cake is a lie

I can't even imagine what kind of dirty shithole a space colony would be.

Earth has self regulation without humans. Space colonies need that before its viable.

If we can find the money and political will to terraform something like Mars, we should probably take .01% of that budget and turn the earth into paradise first.

We've got a lot of problems with space before we can ever put a trillion people in space. Between the vacuum and radiation of space and the fact that our bodies don't function well in extended zero-G, just keeping a few people alive up there is a monumental task. Then you have the potential for industrial accidents to poison the entire ecosystem and micrometeorite impacts trying to ventilate the structure - a structure that is being weakened by constant exposure to cosmic radiation.

I mean eventually we have to go to space or die and I prefer the former but we are very, very far away from that. To the point where the suggestion is science fiction, not being a visionary pioneer.

We don't even know if it is possible to successfully give birth to a healthy baby in space. Even if we got one of these colonies up and running, it may only last a generation if the population can't be self-sustaining.

We dont know how to recycle or dispose of garbage for fuck sakes and y'all want us to live in fucking space?

as has every science fiction writer since asimov

and before, really. At least, after ww2, scifi was all about space ships and colonies on the moon (and venus. Until they realized how... extremely inhospitable Venus is.)

Just need 2k years of terraforming. Not long at all.

Lol. Yeah. No worries.

Actually- and this applies to Asimov too- it’s amazing where people thought we’d be by now.

Or like, things that changed with the times- Asimov liked to talk about how awesome and good nuclear radiation was. (“Bathed in the warm glow of radiation….”)

I was thinking about that as I wrote it but wanted a famous name that everyone would recognize who also wrote pretty long ago.

Here’s what he’s doing: not launching a damn thing. Maybe he should be focused on getting BE-4 production into the double digits in engines made and certified for flight before we worry about the millions of space colonies.

A bunch of earthnoids in this thread have souls weighed down by gravity.

How does this qualify as news?