A way to beat boredom

funny@lemmus.org to aww@lemmy.world – 201 points –

Orangutans are so chill.

I know out of Asia is debunked, but I swear they're our closest relative. If not genetically then they're definitely closest as in that one cousin you actually get along with. 'Tans are just cooler than the rest of the family.

I feel like if they had evolved to where we are at they would just chill and all there tech would be centered around food and playtime. (Some tan parents would also be like "we got you this super expensive video game console and you're playing with a stick??"). No wars or violence. Except during mating season when the males would rumble, probably in some relatively harmless ritual sport or something. Otherwise just peace and rolling down hills and looking around in wonder there in 'Tantopia.

Hyrule is a big place, and I can tell rolling is faster, so…

“Hyeh! Huh! Hyeh! Huh! Ha! Ha! Hyeh!”

"I used to date a guy who could do that. He said it wasn't that great"