GOP lawmaker says fellow Republicans are compromised by sex workers and drugs to politics – 273 points –
GOP lawmaker says fellow Republicans are compromised by sex workers and drugs

A Tennessee Congressman warns that fellow Republicans in the House of Representatives have been lured into honeytraps with sex workers and drugs changing the way they vote, he said this week.

“If it's women, drugs, booze, it will find you in D.C. and in most elected offices,” Rep. Tim Burchett told podcaster Benny Johnson. “That’s what people, power and influence do.”

As Burchett tells it, Republicans aren’t backing important efforts, such as Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s crusade for Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs, because they’re being bullied by big backers and Russians.


Funny thing about sex workers and drugs: neither are implicitly bad to use. It's only when you create an entire identity around villifying them that they are.

The latter part is not the issue here. The issue is these Republicans are being swayed by the sex workers and drugs. Sure, maybe if there was no stigma, that wouldn't happen, but the stigma is there regardless of their own Republican identity. There are plenty of people on the left who could be bribed by sex or drugs too, and then get exposed for doing so. I would not be at all surprised if Democrats in congress had the same issue. I'm not trying to be an enlightened centrist, I'm on the left, I just have very little faith in humanity's ability to resist being bought, especially when it comes to men thinking with their dicks.

Even if it was 100% legal, we are a long fucking ways away from zero stigma to where you can tell your wife "Hey I'm going downtown for a dick in the ass / that thing you don't want to do / two chicks at the same time. Don't hold up dinner for me. You want me to book you an appointment with that Puerto Rican again?"

If these people are getting compromised, legalizing prostitution isn't going to really fix it.

Right. The lure of sex or drugs, followed by the threat of exposure is enough to buy the vote of a lot of people, not just Republicans.

No shit.

Just because many people already think this is how it works doesn't mean it's not notable that an actual congressman is saying it.

Yeah, the only reason they turned on Gaetz is he was dumb enough to say this stuff on a podcast...

Even if this guy is actually clean, he's going under the bus as well.

Are you thinking of Madison Cawthorn? Cause Gaetz is still in there er... plugging away.

We put the wrong fucking people in office.

Surely I am not the only person who just wants to make shit better for everyone and couldn't give less of a fuck about drugs or bribe money or power or fucking randos?

If money couldn't buy elections (via massive marketing campaigns) maybe we could get decent people into office. There has to be some way to put up barriers to the people who really want the power. They're the last people who should get it.

Maybe we need to just appoint people like in the jury system.

There seems to be a specific type of person who seeks office. And it's often the type of person who shouldn't be trusted with that responsibility in the first place. There are exceptions of course but the majority of people who run for office shouldn't run a lemonade stand let alone represent a portion of the population.

I say ankle monitors and constant random drug and alcohol testing. And legalize and regulate prostitution.

Burchett is about to get Madison Cawthorn'd. He even named the Russians specifically. Bold move. Maybe throw a vote toward Ukraine aid on your way out the door.

We know. You don't really care. Your voters don't care.

Time to legalize sex work and drugs, and hope the next generation is hardened against this age old blackmail scheme.