DeSantis spread false info about trans kids healthcare says Judge to politics – 408 points –

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – During a hearing Thursday in a suit against the state of Florida over its law that bans gender-affirming healthcare for minors, U.S. District Court Judge Robert Hinkle flatly stated that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis repeatedly spread false information claiming that doctors were mutilating children’s genitals as the reason to enact the law.

The Associated Press reported Judge Hinkle told Mohammad Jazil, a lawyer for the state, the law was sold as defending children from mutilation when it is actually about preventing trans children from getting health care.

“When I’m analyzing the governor’s motivation, what should I make of these statements?” Hinkle asked. “This seems to be more than just hyperbole.”


You know who's really mutilating kids' genitals? Any doctor who performs medically unnecessary circumcisions on infants.

If doctors were ethical, we wouldn’t have red states running rabid on women’s rights to their own bodies.

Not one medical organization has threatened to stop serving everyone until deep red states like Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho etc. leave women’s healthcare out of right wing politics.

But some red states have begun losing entire obstetrics departments. It’s becoming a real crisis.

There are serious ethical questions of “do we let people die because their representatives hurt people in ways that don’t affect this directly?” Where gynecologists are fleeing people are dying, maternal mortality is up among other issues.

This is absolutely untrue victim blaming. Please stop.

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying every doctor is unethical. That’s why I specifically mentioned medical professional organizations - you know, who are supposed to be the voice of medical professionals. If you are aware of such a dialogue going on within a medical professional organization where doctors are revolting against this unethical right wing attacks on women’s rights, please do share.

I really hope the ethical doctors collectively form a strong force to back up women’s voice in this fight. So far I am very sad that we haven’t heard any.

Here's what 5 seconds of searching yielded:

[APA reaffirms support for reproductive rights, including access to legal abortion](

ACOG Leads Groundbreaking Coalition in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization

WHO issues new guidelines on abortion to help countries deliver lifesaving care

There are plenty of organizations doing what they can, but what you're expecting is literally against the Hippocratic Oath. And in case you forgot, or edit your post, you wrote this:

Not one medical organization has threatened to stop serving everyone

Why would you expect doctors to stop helping people? They're not going to let people get hurt just to do the equivalent of "owning the libs." And what extra power do you think these organisations have? They're made of people who vote. They have the same capabilities as any other group. If you're worried about people in "red states running rabid on women's rights" it ain't the fucking doctors.

Stop victim blaming.

That would go against the Hippocratic oath for a lot of people

Bro I didn't know! We were torn on what to do. We read up on it and decided to match the culture of the country!

So you chose culture over their personal choice and you and your kid(s) have to live with the consequences. That's a pretty sad thing that could be prevented by only allowing circumcision to be performed when medically necessary.

It's really disturbing how much they pressure you at the hospital. If I wasn't educated about this stuff I would have fallen for it too... they must have asked me 5 different times if they could chop part of my son's penis off. Really made me uncomfortable. I'm like do you have any idea what that part does, nurse?!

I just had a son in Canada, and was wonderfully surprised that I wasn't asked the question a single time at the hospital or the doctors office.

If I had wanted this elective surgery, I would have had to request it, it wasn't a default, or even presented option.

As an easy guideline, if other developed countries with better healthcare systems don't do it, it's probably not necessary.

That hateful asshole needs to step down. Better people have done so over FAR less than what that piece of shit has done.

lol, no fucking shit. We didn’t need a court to affirm this. We have all known this for five or six years at least. DeSantis is a gigantic and tremendous piece of shit. Anyone who needed to be reminded of this… Voilà.