Israeli attacks on journalists constitute war crime: International Federation of Journalists to World – 355 points –
Israeli attacks on journalists constitute war crime: International Federation of Journalists

Not sure I'd list Al Jazeera here, the other two would do just fine

If Haaretz is ok, Al Jazeera is ok.

If you judge via your personal antisemitism, not based on data and objectivity.

I don't see what is antisemitic about considering an Israeli publication (even a good one like Haaretz) to be subject to the same kind of inherent biases as a Qatari one. Israelis are not magically exempt from bias, to claim otherwise would be the kind of a prejudice that feeds antisemitism.

If you have objective data to show why Haaretz does not suffer from bias, please go ahead and point to them.

I believe you're being earnest so I'm giving you the best information I have and doing my best to explain here.

For one thing Al Jazeera is literally owned by Quatar who funds and is allied with Hamas. The Hamas leadership all live there, as millionaires, under the protection of the state that owns the media outlet.

This is why their Media Bias Fact check is notably lower than Haaretz. Medium credibility vs. High credibility

Secondly, Haaretz is not owned by the Israeli government. Which not being state owned automatically gives it a credibility edge.

Personally, I do not like Haaretz, they are too soft on the conflict for me. But I don't dispute the veracity of their journalism.

Al Jazeera though is just a state run propaganda machine for Qatar and Hamas.

EDIT and PS: For non Israeli/Hamas war, Al Jazeera isn't as bad, for things they have no stake in its slightly better in it's journalism. Same way you'd NEVER go to the BBC for info on the UK.

I don't know anything about the raters' objectivity but I asked for evidence and you did provide them. Touché.

What we need is a website that checks the bias of media-bias-fact-check-websites.

Considering Al Jazeera (aka Quatar state media, literally) is the official publication of Hamas, definitely agree.

Your downvotes are from all the Hamas members in WorldNews.

Your downvotes are from all the Hamas members in WorldNews

IDF wants to know your location

If journalists aren't stopped, they will document Israel's rampant war crimes.

yeah that's a problem because it makes Israel look bad

All journalist are antisemitic except the ones we agree with.

IDF, probably.

And Israel gives a flying about these accusations and will continue to kill whomever they like. Children, journalists, civilans, foreign aid workers, their own people waving white flags - everyone is a target, nothing else.

The IDF have already openly admitted to comitting war crimes. They don't have to give a shit because everyone's gonna kiss Israel's ass no matter what.

I heard that if you talk up against these guys they call you antiseptic, well sticks and stones mate, sticks and stones.

Where's the proof that the journalists were actually the target? If you're running around a battlefield with a camera and calling yourself a journalist, which anyone can do, it's kinda on you if you get blown up. It's not like a battlefield is a safe place to be hanging around in

“Witness accounts and video and photo evidence that Human Rights Watch verified indicate that the journalists were well removed from ongoing hostilities, clearly identifiable as members of the media, and had been stationary for at least 75 minutes before they were hit by two consecutive strikes. Human Rights Watch found no evidence of a military target near the journalists’ location.”

Where's your sense of decency? I'm just kidding. It's obvious you don't have one.

There was a guy in a press vest in Lebanon with nobody else nearby

Dude got obliterated by Israeli weapons

Theres a very easy way to sort out the issue of bias that's gonna be inherent in journalists reporting an alleged bias against journalists...

(From NPR)

Over a month into the war in the Gaza Strip, international news organizations have little, if any, access to Gaza. Israel, which is bombing Gaza in response to the deadly Hamas attack on its soil, controls access. And with the exception of brief tours with a limited number of reporters, Israel has not been granting journalists access to the region.

Address that and the answers will come...

Israel didn't grant access and therefore they can strike?

If they allow international journalists access to the area, we'll either get better information about what's happening, or the numbers will go down...

If they allow international journalists access to the area, we'll either get better information about what's happening, or the numbers will go down...

No shit, a journalist goes into the densest urban fighting of our time and gets killed, goddammed shocking. Especially one's seeking to interview the terrorists who must be eliminated.