Birds don't really fly, they are swimming through the air. to – -37 points –

I am so sick of shower thoughts that are people just ignoring definitions of words and using other words instead like it’s some mind bending reality shock. No, birds FLY through the air because that is the DEFINITION of flying you dweeb.

But spoons are just tiny bowls to get food from the bigger bowl, man!

WRONG. Spoons are tiny ladles you degenerate. If you need a tiny bowl go get yourself a cup.

Air doesn't float, it just doesn't sink as hard

Water - swim

Air - fly

Space - ?? fly

Ground - dig?

Plasma - liquefy?

Plasma - liquefy?

You misspelled "vaporize"

Some birds fly through the water.

The common merganser, for instance.

1 a : to propel oneself in water by natural means (such as movements of the limbs, fins, or tail) b : to play in the water (as at a beach or swimming pool) 2 : to move with a motion like that of swimming : glide a cloud swam slowly across the moon 3 a : to float on a liquid : not sink b : to surmount difficulties : not go under sink or swim, live or die, survive or perishβ€” Daniel Webster 4 : to become immersed in or flooded with or as if with a liquid potatoes swimming in gravy 5 : to have a floating or reeling appearance or sensation

Apparently, swimming inherently requires a liquid.