Netanyahu says Gaza war on Hamas will go on for 'many more months,' thanks U.S. for new weapons sales to – 203 points –
Netanyahu says Gaza war on Hamas will go on for 'many more months,' thanks U.S. for new weapons sales

Which is why it's so absolutely fucked up Biden went around Congress for it, especially since Congress would have approved it anyways.

The fact that Biden is fine doing this in the run up to 2024 and will do shit like this that risks trump winning...

Shows that Biden is the last fucking person we want running against trump.

I don't even think Hillary is stupid enough to do this, and she has the absolute worst instincts regarding elections of any politician in the last 50 years

Doesn't matter who the president is, Israel is still going to get US (western) support. The alternative is an unwinnable war between Iran and Israel would kill millions of people. The US president cannot change these facts. Israel is going to get a pass here.

We had to give hitler Poland, otherwise we'd have to refer to The Great War as something super depressing like World War 1....

Iran again as an execuse to kill Palestinians kids..

It's the reality of the situation. I'm not killing the kids.

If you don't speak up your representative will think no one cares and there will be no pressure the government to act to protect children in distress.

It is like seeing a house on fire, and kids are screaming and be like: I didn't call 911 because it is not my problem.

I can see an argument that strong support of Israel will win over traditional conservatives.

Oh yes, those magical Republicans that will start voting D if we make the democratic party just a little shittier...

Meanwhile 1/3 of eligible voters don't vote, and their most common complaint is "both parties do too much fucked up shit for me to support and don't help normal Americans enough".

Yet for some reason, we won't ever try doing less fucked up shit or helping normal Americans to get their vote...

Anyone ever notice when moderates want to compromise, it's always towards the right?

Politicians don't see non-voters as a safe bet. It's a lot more likely they won't show up regardless of what the politicians does. From their perspective it is safer to try and sway people who do vote and might be able to be persuaded. Democrats aren't going to vote for Trump regardless. The easiest path to victory is to convince the 1/3 or so Republicans who don't like Trump that another 4 years of Biden won't be so bad. That's enough to win.

Edit: not saying I agree with this, just that is the argument.

Politicians don’t see non-voters as a safe bet

If they sat through 2008, 2016, and 2020 and think that, then they have no clue what is going on.

Which looking at the leadership of both parties, I guess that doesn't prove you wrong....

Anyone ever notice when moderates stupid fucking morons want to compromise, it's always towards the right?


You just substituted in a synonym. Not exactly a fix.

Except they're going to vote for a Republican regardless. It's a bullshit argument used to hand waive away a non-Republican's complicity in furthering the genocide.

Which is why it’s so absolutely fucked up Biden went around Congress for it, especially since Congress would have approved it anyways.

Which means now, none of the democrats who would have voted for it will have it on their record the next time an election comes around. Biden himself is fairly safe, but many of the Ds could have lost the next time around from that.

Perhaps Biden will step down before the next election, regardless of what he might be saying now. It does the Dems no good to telegraph that move to the GOP. All they need to do is find someone with a shred of karisma and an ounce of capability for debate and rhetoric, who is obviously not Biden, at least superficially.

Don't worry, I'm sure there's a mess of Nvidia H100s training new presidents as we speak!

4 more...

I'm not voting for joe biden next election.

Shouldn't have even voted for him the previous one.

5 more...

Genocide Joe does it again!

As if any leading presidential candidates would bat an eye at doing this and/or more. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, against all advice, and inflamed tensions even more than they were at the time.

I become increasingly certain this fucker arranged this "war" so he wasn't facing a corruption court. He's been moving heaven and earth to change the judicial system in order to avoid it, it's entirely believable he would pull a false-flag operation to achieve the same ends. He knows the minute the fighting stops, he's in a jail cell.

How the hell did we end up being Israel's bitch? What are we getting it out of it?

An ally in the middle east, because oil 🛢️ 🌍

Israel doesn't have oil. Don't we have Saudi arabi and Qatar for that?

Israel's neighbours have oil, and Israel lets the US keep their guns etc there.

So yes, not directly about oil -- more like 'national security' -- but that ultimately (and increasingly ironically) amounts to oil.