Rule to – 1012 points –

I would like to add that the money Bob gets to buy food returns directly into the economy, thus helping to pay Kevin the mall manager AND Floyd the country boy

Shut up about Bob, how does this even remotely help Shell??!

Depends on Bob's car I guess?

I mean, Bob needs food to survive long enough to buy some gasoline. Bob won't buy Shell's gasoline if he dies.

But but but fudge rounds, muh taxes are paying for fudge rounds for poor people that's the problem hurr durr.

Ava then we get to party even more money at the pump when they feel like charging more. Despite us subsidizing them.

So let's stop subsidizing oil.

2 more...

Hey I'm sure if we find a reason to look hard enough there is a reason to kick down on Bob, or whatever reason the law needs. Shell makes JOBS, bob just ... ugh... works. Not real 'owner' energy bob.

If Shell stops getting it from the government, they'll just raise prices for us to make up the difference. They won't be hitting their bottom line anytime soon

If they've been subsidised so much, the company should just be made a public entity rather than just stopping the funding.

The government should demand new shares in return for the subsidies. No subsidization without representation.

Yep and if they want to continue to receive subsidies, they're going to have to continue to sell shares, eventually leading to either no more subsidies or complete governmental control of the entire industry. Preferably the latter.

This is true, but it would help incentivise the country to move away from fossil fuels.

Also worth noting this would drive up the prices of nearly all goods as well since shipping costs would rise.

There are good incentives for fuel subsidizes, but the goverment has failed at having stipulations to gonwith the subsidizes.

Personally, i think they should nationalize the fuel production industry. No one should get rich from a natural resource, especially one that is destorying the planet. Even more so since they have known about it for 70+ years and have been trying to cover it up.

Personally, i think they should nationalize the fuel production industry. No one should get rich from a natural resource, especially one that is destorying the planet. Even more so since they have known about it for 70+ years and have been trying to cover it up.

Absolutely! Every industry related to fossil fuels, be it fuel for vehicles, power production or even plastic manufacture and steel smelting, should be nationalized and then phased out as quickly as possible in favor of cleaner and otherwise less hazardous alternatives.

Natural resources, infrastructure and vital base components used in roughly everything should not be owned and controlled by under-regulated for profit entities who will never value long-term or even short term human survival higher than short term profits.

I thought Americans were all about free market. Other companies and alternatives will come in and undercut shell if that happens.

They'll raise prices regardless. The government handouts are just extra profits for what is already one of the most profitable industries in the history of mankind.

It also bears noting that Shell is not a person

In Freedumbland Shell absolutely would be a person.


Legally speaking, leider ja. But we don't have to accept that framing just because it says so on the piece of American toilet paper legal parchment that is Citizens United

But shell makes jobs for a million Bobs! And then Bobs are doing something useful for society! /s

bob still needs those 1500 in food stamps while working 15h week... the system works, for a few...