US 'not seeing acts of genocide' in Gaza, State Dept says

Collision to politics – 84 points –

I suspect some clarification will come out that claims that there’s some reason it doesn’t count as genocide because of some narrow parsing of words. In other words, it’s only sparkling indiscriminate mass murder of a mostly homogeneous region, not genocide.

That's what I was wondering. Could they please release the full definition of the version of the word "genocide" they're using?

"They're happening, we're just choosing not to see them" ~ The State Department probably

Meanwhile, Republicans are going ignore this and start impeachment proceedings on DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas due to border security issues instead.

I mean I don't want the Republicans to impeach anyone, but if you're going to impeach a cabinet-level position, impeach the one pretending a genocide isn't happening while we all watch it happen with our own eyes.

"Nah nah nah nah, I can't hear you," State Dept says.

It's easy to miss war crimes when you're not looking...

You can’t see anything with your head in the sand.

The millions that our government officials receive in JStreet money every year is paying off for Israel

"30 citizens die in Ukrian" ... Omg boycutt that war criminal putin!

"20000 citizens die in Gaza"... Please send billions worth of bombs to Netenyhu

The whole "genocide" talk is just so misguided. If Israel was trying to just kill as many Palestinians as they could, only a raving, idiotic lunatic would think the numbers would be anywhere even close to where they are.