Gotta follow that rule to – 626 points –

The circle could've been done in one equation

One equation, sure, but not in one valid function (without making it parametric anyways)

or, in this case

A that's a single equation alright. But as the previous poster pointed out, it's not a function.

One time I was bored translated this formula to work on a TI-83 calculator

The original does work or course but it doesn't look right since the TI-83 isn't as precise as something like Desmos. You have to change the numbers around a bit to make it look right

It's the last equation j(x) that's wrong. What's plotted on the right is something like 0.2x+1.6

Your graphing calculator is more than capable of plotting linear functions just as well as desmos.

I wasn't following the image, I was following Desmos's official formula.

The equation works, but since you can't zoom in on TI-83 (or at least I'm not aware you can) you have to scale up the formula to make the symbol appear properly.

i don't mean to be condescending but the TI-83/84 literally has a button labeled ZOOM

Does it really? Man I felt so accomplished when I figured out how to make that formula work. Could've just zoomed in.

Regardless it was a good exercise to mess around with the formulas and see what happens, you're the real winner for having developed a better understanding!

You can zoom on the TI-83/TI-84 by either using the zoom functions or by setting the desired viewport size

Here's a video of someone doing it:

There’s probably a better set of equations out there, but that wouldn’t be as easy to just rip from Mastodon and post here. πŸ™ƒ

Actually, if you just Google "Anarchy Equation" Desmos has a pre-loaded page with the equation graphed out.

If the police catch you spray painting math on the wall you are getting a wedgie and chucked in a bin.


That's the anarchy symbol, not the Avengers logo. Fitting, considering it's spray-painted on a public structure.

That's not the Anarchy symbol. That's the button disable "Auto Start-Stop" in Ford & Dodge vehicles

This guy gets it. Obviously the graffitist is making commentary on the darn radical leftists at Ford and Dodge, and how they want to "stop global warming" (like that's a thing, I'm very cold right now!) and "save people money."