manifold rule to – 446 points –

All shapes are non-orientable in zero gravity.

That's the exact reason why RAA0G exists. Space is giant. Giant, and terrifying, and without gravity. It's a hellscape, and any sane person would stand against exploring it.

If our shapes cannot be oriented, how can we be oriented?

Gravity helps us keep our shape.

Ban Space.

This shape clearly can be oriented. There is a neck and a mouth. Get out of here with your dimension reducing depictions

b-but it has no volume!

Only for 4D shapes, for 3D shapes they get suck in the little alcove in the middle, they can't percieve or travel along the 4th dimension so that little part is almost like a space "inside". Of course there isn't a space inside in actuality, the 3D space just gives that illusion, but for objects bound to the 3D world it is essentially the inside for all intents and purposes.

It cannot in fact be oriented, regardless of the embedding and the dimension of the ambient space.

Don’t do Klein Bottles dirty like that. Come on. Cliff Stoll makes those and he’s a hero.

I bought one from him, he included a very nice letter. 10/10 recommend.