Bidencare Is a Really Big Deal to politics – 154 points –
Opinion | Bidencare Is a Really Big Deal

Biden, as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, largely resolved these problems, reducing maximum premium payments (net of subsidies) and eliminating the cliff at 400 percent. The result is to make health insurance coverage substantially more affordable, especially for middle-income Americans who previously earned too much to be eligible for subsidies. Hence the surge in marketplace enrollments.


I am losing Medicaid starting March 1st because I make $131 a month too much SSDI and am fully disabled. There are 40 million more Americas just like me and there is no solution.

There is a solution. Universal healthcare. There just isn't the political will. I'm sorry you're losing Medicaid. I hope you don't have any chronic health conditions.

There is a solution. Universal healthcare. There just isn't the political will.

Yeah, and we've been trying since Teddy Roosevelt. But hey, at least there's the political will to support Netanyahu's genocide. That's way more important than whatever piddly nonsense poor sick people want.

The welfare cliff is, I think, one of the biggest drivers of poverty in the states. Without a system that provides a smooth transition there’s really no way that people can get out of poverty.

Often, people who actually get jobs so that they don't have to be dependent on Welfare end up making less money because of the cutoff salary.

How is anyone supposed to get off welfare when the system is set up that way?

Yep. That’s the cliff. You make enough to not qualify but not enough to survive or even keep up with what you got before. It actively incentives people to not work

Sorry to hear that. The Republican-controlled house of congress is so dysfunctional that I can't imagine their fixing it before you lose coverage.

Biden deserves some political reward for this good news, given that Donald Trump and many in his party...

Fucking election year, everybody fire up the spin. I hate politics :/

This is wildly better than whatever shit the repub propaganda machine is gonna fart out though, so I reckon I'll be avoiding Facebook and YouTube for a bit ;)

This is an article discussing things Biden's administration have accomplished during his term.

The GOP equivalent is shit like "the Democrats will take your guns" or "millions of brown people are threatening to invade the southern border".

Ideally, the constituency would pay attention to the things the government does all the time and remember that when it comes to elections. But no one fucking does, so the public needs articles to remind them. Even if only like 30% of eligible voters end up voting.

This is exactly the kind of article that I would expect in the election year of a functioning democracy. The Republicans should be touting their own accomplishments too. Like Republican Chip Roy has been doing.

Holding peoples livelihoods, their health, and rights hostage for votes and power is disgusting

I'm all for democracy, but I think that this is sadly the end result - When governing becomes the goal, governance takes the back seat. Being president or prime minister is simply too lucrative.

They aren't actually doing much... This is something they did a while ago, they're just trotting it out and showing it off because there isn't anything current going on.

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Fucking election year, everybody fire up the spin. I hate politics :/

I think I’m confused. How is this spin?

Maybe we have different definitions of spin. To me, accurately discussing the political accomplishments of one politician over another is good in a functioning democracy.

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Sorry not here to contribute just to say I read that as Bidencore and was worried there was a new grotesque genre that had emerged

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This is the best summary I could come up with:

Biden deserves some political reward for this good news, given that Donald Trump and many in his party predicted economic and social disaster if he were elected, and that Republicans, in general, are still talking as if America were suffering from high inflation and runaway crime.

Obamacare — which arguably should really be called Pelosicare, since Nancy Pelosi (who is not, whatever Trump may think, the same person as Nikki Haley) played a key role in getting it through Congress — led to big gains in health insurance coverage when it went into full effect in 2014.

And this gain, unlike some of the other good things happening, is all on Biden, who both restored aid to people seeking health coverage and enhanced a key aspect of the system.

But it wasn’t and isn’t, so what we have instead is a sort of Rube Goldberg device, a mix of gadgets designed to expand access to health care with minimal disruption of existing arrangements.

Those marketplaces, in which insurers are forbidden to discriminate against people with pre-existing conditions and buyers receive subsidies to help them pay premiums, are a key part of the system.

Biden, as part of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, largely resolved these problems, reducing maximum premium payments (net of subsidies) and eliminating the cliff at 400 percent.

The original article contains 903 words, the summary contains 220 words. Saved 76%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Pelosicare? More like Romneycare? (Centre for American Progress)

Didn't Romney himself say this would never work at the national level?

Fuck Romney. He deserves no credit at all for something he specifically said he would never do for the nation if given the chance.

It’s my understanding that the individual mandate requires people to buy health insurance from private companies, this means those companies can thrive while offering terrible coverage for high costs without any chance of losing business because of their shady practices. This sounds to me like a plan that a conservative would concoct if they really wanted Laissez-faire / croney capitalism but wanted to placate the left by making it sound like this was entirely government funded.

If this is true, it’s a win-win for the right. Keep it in place and the private medical companies are secure to maintain high profit margins surreptitiously. If it fails, blame the left and you get an easy justification for going back to having no government involvement at all whereby less people pay monthly because there is no individual mandate but the private medical companies are free to charge even more to the people who do pay and when those that don’t pay need medical treatment (everyone eventually in their lifetime) they can charge an arm and a leg and laugh all the way to the bank while medical debt for citizens skyrockets. The best part? If this plan is put in place carefully enough and messaging is carefully crafted, you’ll get nominally left people advocating for it!

Am I wrong?

You're not wrong. Moderates are in full on denial about how shitty Democrat politicians are and they're too fucking cowardly to support any ideas to address it.

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lol thats just straight up lying isnt it?