FBI: Self-proclaimed ‘sniper’ planned attack on Texas-Mexico border

InternetCitizen2@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 201 points –

According to the complaint, Perry’s phone was seized, and showed extensive contact with Faye leading up to his arrest.

“Specifically, Faye expressed a desire to travel with Perry and another individual to the U.S. /Mexico border and commit acts of violence,” the complaint stated.

In March 2023, the FBI introduced an undercover agent to Faye on TikTok. After exchanging messages, Faye provided the agent with his phone number for further communication.

On April 1, 2023, three undercover agents met with Faye, in person, along with his two sons. During the meeting, Faye asked if the undercover agents were federal law enforcement.

After confirming that the undercover agents were not law enforcement, he began discussing his beliefs that the government was “training to take on its citizens” and allowing migrants to enter the country to assist them.


During the meeting, Faye asked if the undercover agents were federal law enforcement.

After confirming that the undercover agents were not law enforcement...

This is the stupidest show-motion coup ever.

I mean it’s the best thing for police Hollywood has ever done. The inverse is wait 24 hours to file a missing person report.

No no no, you're missing the important piece

On April 1, 2023, three undercover agents met with Faye... Faye asked if the undercover agents were federal law enforcement.

They didn't have to say yes, because it was April fool's day!

Some police departments will make you wait 24 hours unless it's a young child. It's really a crapshoot whether you'll be able to make a report or not.

Name them, they need their SOP redone. I have never heard of this in real life and I would bet it’s a bad officer/dispatcher following Hollywood rules rather than their unit policy.

I don't have a list of names but regularly listen to podcasts like Dateline and Crime Junkie and these are common themes among many of the stories. Families and friends will try to report someone missing and are told they must wait 24 hours or more.

I can’t be certain by I’d wager that’s Hollywoodism seeping through. Either the podcast is wrong or the dispatch/officer on duty has it wrong. The first 48 hours are the most vital in finding a missing person, they would not want to waste half of that as procedure.

Edit: I don’t want you to just believe some rando online. Here’s some sources:


The federal law on missing persons: https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:34%20section:40501%20edition:prelim)

Internationally (UK): https://www.missingpeople.org.uk/get-help/report-a-missing-person

This edit isn’t me trying to prove I’m right, more to just accurately educate. Hope the information is never needed!!

I used to work in TV news. I can't speak for all adults, but if the missing person was elderly or had special needs, the cops pretty much ran to us with the report so it would be on the next broadcast.

I do wonder if the GQP will lose full control over these groups. They are good at getting them riled up and keeping their attention, but if we take a page from apocalyptic cults; after several failed predictions they often conclude that it is up to them to ensure the second coming.

I mean, that's ultimately where this is going to head I'm afraid. Lots of these crazies are thinking a civil war is imminent, which means they may try to kick something off. We've been seeing this largely isolate behavior now for a few years, I don't think it's going to get any better anytime soon.

They’re poking a tiger and then leopards ate face is gonna happen. They allowed Margie to have a platform and she’s surprisingly good with it. Bobo didn’t know how to use it, but Margie is a natural. It’s all gonna go to hell pretty soon. I’m planning on getting out.

That’s high school-level shit right there: “If you ask a cop point-blank, ‘Are you a cop?’, they legally have to answer you, it’s the law!” I don’t know how many times I heard that.

After confirming that the undercover agents were not law enforcement, he began discussing his beliefs that the government was “training to take on its citizens” and allowing migrants to enter the country to assist them.

And this is what kills me, dude has a big conspiracy about the goverment attacking it's own citizens. But it never occurs to him that government agents might lie?

10,000% chance this dude also had a "Blue lives matter" bumper sticker.

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