Milei’s party presents draft bill to repeal Argentina abortion law to World – 132 points –
Milei’s party presents draft bill to repeal Argentina abortion law

Buenos Aires, Feb 7 (EFE).- Argentina’s far-right ruling coalition La Libertad Avanza has presented a draft bill to repeal the country’s abortion law in parliament, according to information on Wednesday.

The bill, presented on Monday, calls for the repeal of the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy Law and for abortion to be criminalized for both the woman and those who participate in the procedure.

The text does not present any defense in the event of rape, although it leaves sentencing to the judge’s discretion “in consideration of the reasons that prompted her to commit the crime, her subsequent attitude, and the nature the fact.”

The woman could be punished with prison terms of 1-3 years, it proposes.


Libertarian bro doing libertarian things.

Libertarian for me but not for thee... like all Libertarians.

'quick, our poorly thought out economic policies are making things worse, we need divisive rage bait'. 'I have it, we'll ban abortion'.

Always thought they libertarians are prochoise in mass

Most of them are just neoliberals who are upset there's still a handful of regulations stopping them from going full psycopath in the name of record profits.

In my experience, Libertarians are generally white men under the delusion that equality under law functionally exists already. That ideological principle matters more than actual systems and structures of equality. That their tax dollars should only fund the street they live on. Anything beyond that breaches their individual rights. It seems to make sense until you think, at all.

"en masse."

They're wolves in sheep's clothing. I'm over all government leadership. They only represent their own interests.

I mean, this is very clear proof they're not libertarians. We could just stop referring to them as such.

Real fucking libertarian of him. /s

I though he wanted to be ultra libertarian? But I see he's supporting Palestine's occupation... No questions left.

Libertarians continuing to be trash people. Nothing new there.

Reverse Wolverine strikes again!

Who's got "suspend elections to remain in power and become a dictatorship" on their Argentina Bingo Card? I'm betting that will come when his term in office is up.

I'm going all in on someone shoots him within the next 12 months.

Strangely, he isn't loosening restrictions on private gun ownership, like any good ancap would.

Wonder why.

The text does not present any defense in the event of rape

For a change, anti-abortionists are consistent. It makes no sense that they claim that fetuses are babies subject to rights, but also almost always that it is okay to abort them for rape.

How will this address Argentina's tumultuous economy? Oh wait. It won't. He's a right-wing populist and everyone said he would do shit like this but humans were bamboozled yet again by the confusing reality of right wing politicians doing things against the interest of the working class. It's not like we have decades upon decades of world history to draw from that says that voting Conservative is a vote against your best interests, both socially and economically.

(John) Oliver also pointed out how Milei has been extremely vocal on other subjects no one asked for, including sharing details about his sex life. He told multiple women in a TV interview in 2018 that he ejaculates only once every three months. “I completely believe that the guy we saw screaming at dead economists, smashing miniature banks on TV and waving a chainsaw in the streets may be a little — and I’m sorry for saying this — backed up,” Oliver said.

John Oliver Takes Down World’s Weirdest Wannabe President