Gemini is now out to – 80 points –
Google’s AI now goes by a new name: Gemini

Personally, I don't like it as an Assistant replacement: it can't do routines among other issues.


It seems like in its current state it can't:

  1. Access personal productivity things - calendar, reminders etc.
  2. Can't run routines
  3. Can't detect an end of your voice command

Unless I missed some obvious checkbox somewhere, this seems like a half baked replacement to me.

Google Assistant has been neutered and Gemini is not very useful.

Google just really doesn't know how to do proper feature/product releases.

At least they've stopped forcing IM'ing into everything... Haven't they?

I was afraid this was gonna happen. This sucks.

It also doesn't reactivate the microphone when it needs a follow up answer.

It asked me "which would you prefer?" then just sat there.

Gemini Ultra is out now. Gemini Pro has been out for a while, powering Bard. They’ve now ditched the “Bard” name, which I think is a good idea.

I've stopped adopting Google products and I think I recommend it for others as well. They limp in with something half-finished, don't get the adoption a mostly finished product would, then throw up their hands.

Im tryinf to de-cloud all together and expect I can get mostly there within the next 18 months.

If you have patience and a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5, I suspect it's a better and cheaper (and more future proof) solution.

Yeah... It seems to be a management issue. They underinvestment, under communicate, then drop the product when it's not magically successful because of the brand that launched it.

Stadia is my prime example where they just needed to stand their ground and work on the platform's software. Hardware wise, they could just resell GPUs people aren't using in Google cloud.

I personally feel like stadia was a self-fulfilling prophecy. It shut down because people didn't use it, and they didn't use it because they were afraid of it shutting down like Google always does with stuff

But Google has earned that rep. And they aren't saying or doing much to change it.

Minimal vision, weak execution, MVP agile approach with strong emphasis on the "Minimally,* and no heart, soul, grit.

I know they're a business, but sometimes, I think, if they could just be okay losing money for longer, they'd turn some of the projects into something good.

I really don't like Zuck, but he's willing to lose billions a year on things he believes in. Google doesn't do that (much) now. AI and quantum computing are the only things that spring to mind.

They should've just made a public legally binding promise to run the service for at least 15 years or all purchased games and hardware will be refunded.

"Gemini isn't currently available. Try again later."

Bummer. :/

I tapped the dismiss button and it just worked after that 🤷

Can't comment on how good it is, but bard seems like a much better wake word than "gemini".

They're still using "hey Google" as the wake phrase, which seems weird.

Google always throws the products out half finished and I really don't understand why.

Hopefully they can stick with this product and not give up in a year like with all the other dead google projects.

You might actually be able to hold your breath on this one..

Gemini? The protocol equivalent to the cyber Amish?

Oh, Google stuff. Meh

Also the android app seems to only be available in the USA at this time.

So many Google products are either crippled or completely unavailable outside the US, it's honestly quite ridiculous. I'm still waiting for call recording to be made available in the UK.

K. Is my life better yet? Is the ai gonna make the law stop exploiting me? Is it gonna make housing affordable? Is it gonna do anything but eat huge amounts of resources to provide novelty while I'm allowed a room in a noisy duplex for all my efforts?