Mars Rover Perseverance captures a partial eclipse by a moon. to – 566 points –

One of the Martian moons travels between the rover and the sun. It's a bit different to my usual posts, and not my OC :).

I believe it's Phobos, so there might be doom music kicking in any second now...



A space being rolls its eyes:

My doggo is in the hospital and this put a real smile on my face, thank you!

That's a very curious shape for a moon.

It's technically just a random rock plucked from the asteroid belt. It's just not big enough to crush itself into a neat ball with gravity, like with planets or our Moon

That's why I like the picture. Technically just a random rock, just like earth. :)

That means someone at NASA made an effort to search for eclipse events on Mars visible by Perseverance and put the right wheels inside the organisation in motion so that they made the rover make a photo of the sun (and deimos). Nice.

Very likely. Lots of super geeks on staff.

But it's also possible some astroenthusiast did the math and emailed it to NASA, and whoever got that endo thought it would be cool and passed it to someone who could schedule the instrument. If you think about your geekiest friend and how they’d react if you sent them something truly unique about their geekdom that they could act on - well, that’s pretty much how every engr/scientist at NASA would react.

Is that radiation causing those awesome 70s colour spots

More or less, those are dead pixels that have been killed by radiation over time. The same thing happens to cameras on the ISS.

Well why would they not remove dead pixels after they download photos? If it is always the same pixel why aren't they simply processed out and replaced with avg of neighbors? If it is radiation noise then they would need a few photos.

This must clearly be the first time we've seen such an event on another planet, right?

Mars is the first planet, as far as I know, but this isn't the first transit we saw

broke as hell martians can’t even afford a full eclipse 🌚


I've heard that people claim the moon landings were faked, but (until now?) I'd never heard anyone claiming the Martian rovers were faked.