Gigarule to – 454 points –

There's nothing more manly than fucking other men.

Oh? You want to bang a soft, gentle lady? Don't think you can endure a cock up the arse? Toughen up, soyboy.

By virtue of being a man, anything you do is manly, including banging soft ladies ☝️🤓

Edit sorry couldn’t resist ^^

Don't think you can endure a cock up the arse?

Yeah that was womanly behaviour for them. Giving was chad, taking was some weird submissive female behaviour.

Real men fuck all genders.

I say this as I am finally coming to terms with my own bisexuality.

I'm straight and I approve this message.

Pansexuality baby! Congrats on your self-discovery!

Wait until they heard about Caesar's "Every man's woman and every woman's man"

Ceasar conquered Gaul, but Nicomedes conquered Ceasar!

Also "yielded to Hephaeston's thighs" - maybe Diogenes.

It's unsure but I think the whole Queen of Bithyania business might've just been political slander.

Wasn't Alexander the same guy who killed hundreds of Africans and then got insulted by a homeless man who compared the bones of his parents to those of the people he killed?