Ex-Twitter leader Jack Dorsey endorses RFK Jr. for president

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 61 points –
Ex-Twitter leader Jack Dorsey endorses RFK Jr. for president

How is Dorsey's opinion supposed to matter to me?

Business leaders have nothing in common with the rest of us, so why should we trust them to have our best interests in mind? Athletes, famous musicians, business leaders, celebrities all have one thing in common - money. They have much more of it than the vast majority of people and they generally want more of it.

Jack Dorsey doesn't want Democrats in power because they might "take his money", so he's promoting a fringe candidate to be a spoiler to Biden.

How is Dorsey’s opinion supposed to matter to me?

Because he has the ability to influence the public either with his reputation or his social media platform once it gets going. There's also a group of people who likely look up to him as someone who's fulfilled the American dream, starting at the bottom and becoming a billionaire and sadly far too many Americans believe if they were only given the chance that would be them too so they listen to this drivel.

It doesn't, and I doubt anyone reading this would agree.

But if you believe billionaires shouldn't have so much more influence, it's not a bad idea to emphasis the frequent moronic, out of touch decisions like this. At least Andrew Yang was an honest candidate.

Why do you think billionaires have nothing in common with the rest of us? Just because they think a banana costs, like, twenty dollars?

to be fair, that wasn't far from the truth only a few years ago. Bananas skyrocketed in price.

What a fool

Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey appeared to endorse anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for the Democratic presidential nomination over the weekend.

Dorsey has poor judgement. This has become increasingly more evident with his endorsement of Musk as CEO of Twitter as well.

What I'm confused by is isn't he running Blue Sky, which is attempting to dethrone Twitter?

What I'm confused by is isn't he running Blue Sky, which is attempting to dethrone Twitter?

Honestly when I see shit like this I think of that old anti-drug commercial on tv. "This is your brain.... and this is your brain on money."

Nah, Dorsey's always been a "libertarian" (read: Republican who wants to smoke weed) POS since he was a broke nobody. All that's changed is, if his stupid Blusky thing takes off, he'll have the power to make his idiocy our problem.

Why are so many billionaires such self centred dicks?

I have a non-hot take on this:

Humans are just not evolved for billionaire levels of wealth/resource disparity.

For most of our evolution it was impossible to hoard that much power.

Of course these people begin to act completely nuts. They literally can’t help it.

Disclaimer: This is not a plea for communism or some other obsolete solution.

"RFK JR" doesn't mean shit to me lol, never heard of this guy. Jack dorsey is just some washed-up ceo, why do you care about his opinion anyways?

You mean the dude who's gunning for the Democratic presidential nomination and the other guy who's busy creating a Twitter alternative? They pretty much can affect public opinions, so people should at least be aware of the potential implications.

Agreed. It’s less about how much I care about his opinion, and more so regarding his influence.

Bystander effect / not caring about things outside our immediate views or perceived sphere of influence can be a dangerous path to trod.

But, you know, uh, that’s just like my opinion, man.

Talking more about the use of only initals. had to look him up. People only have as much influence as society will listen to them. And personally I don't give a shit about either of these guys. Just don't vote for him

Keep that attitude and we'll repeat the 2016 election.

I vote. Do you? Literally anything is better than trump, even some nepotistic Kennedy brat. Even a squirrel would be better.

Disagree. DeSantis is worse than Trump by almost any metric and I hope Trump goes to prison (which he won't).

Idk we will see what happens with him. I agree desantis is more dangerous right now.

Somehow billionaires really feel they need even more representation in this country.

I see the worst possible timeline is coalescing. Bigoted Florida Man / Orange Narcissist versus Anti-vax conspiracy theorist... all of them with ties to hate groups.

It's fucking terrifying watching it form. If democrats actually nominate him I'm done with this garbage planet.

They won't, the guy's pretty consistently getting 10% or less in polls of actual Democrats, and his numbers among Dems have been falling in recent weeks as more dirt on him comes to light. The only reason his overall approval ratings aren't cratering is because his loss of popularity among Democrats is being offset by his gains in popularity among Republicans-- who aren't going to vote in the Democratic primaries.

Meanwhile, Biden's been comfortably polling at 60%-plus, even when RFK jr was at the "height" of his popularity among Dems (which, again, was never particularly high).

I wouldn't worry about it. Plenty of other, more important things to worry about, lol.

Look man after Trump I don't trust anything I thought I knew anymore.

Why is RFK jr. bad?

Looking at your country, he seems like a much better option than Biden, Trump, or Desantis.

Who else would you pick?