Rule to – 163 points –

Saw this fascinating specimen of a vehicle on my way home from work


I honestly cannot understand what’s happening here? Like I think they are trolling republicans? They have some questionable ones that may make them conservative but I honestly can’t tell.

Yeah i was surprised to see the ‘Mamas for BLM’ and ‘STOP BANNING ABORTION’ stickers compared to some of the others

I think man just collects bumper stickers

see sticker
buy/steal sticker
apply sticker

or it's legitimately untreated mental health conditions, which is sad to see

Sometimes the signs for bipolar disorder are in an easy to read bumper sticker format

But if you're close enough to notice that, he can hit his brakes and sue you 😄 Because he mentioned something about that on one of his stickers.

Cars like this piss me off. They always have a small sticker, like this one, that say something to the effect of get off my ass! This car has one that says, "would you kindly remove your car from my ass" well, I would, but, YOU PUT A THOUSAND TINY LITTLE STICKERS ON THE BACK THAT I CAN'T READ WITHOUT GETTING ON YOUR ASS!! YOU CLEARLY WANT ME TO READ ALL THESE OBNOXIOUS STICKERS AND THEN MAKE ME FEEL LIKE AN ASSHOLE FOR SOMETHING YOU PROVOKED!!

Thanks sticker person. You hypocrite.

"Made in the USA" While driving a Subaru. Which is a Japanese vehicle

Outbacks are made in the us for the us market.

Fair point, but it's still technically a Japanese vehicle.

Most American cars are more Chinese and Mexican than us made so where are we drawing the line.

I mean fair I guess. Draw the line however you want?

Finally made out the one with tiny text to the left of the license plate. “Having Trump as president is like tapping the drunken guy at the party to be the designated driver”

at least he cleverly employed the use of double negatives to remind everyone to keep breathing