Ala. hospital halts IVF after state’s high court ruled embryos are “children” to – 220 points –
Ala. hospital halts IVF after state’s high court ruled embryos are “children”

Anger and uncertainty spread in wake of Friday's ruling by the state's Supreme Court.


Alabama is such a shithole. When does any good news come from that state?

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Won't be long untill I'm tried for genocide for having a wank.

@stopthatgirl7 Gilead, like most dystopian fictions, was supposed to be a warning and ended up becoming a blueprint instead.

Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale

Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus

--Alex Blechman

Except in this case it's a political party instead of a tech company.

Ah yes! The first thing that went through my mind when Netflix made an IRL version of the Squid Game (minus the killing of contestants because of course that wouldn't fly through the legal department) was the freaking Torment Nexus

I mean a fetus is closer to a parasite than a person. It doesn't have thoughts as we know them, no personality - the real things that makes you human.

I'd say until that parasite has exited and cut from the host, the host gets to choose what happens and when.

Oh look, the goal being achieved in real time.

They don't want people to be able to manage their own bodies and families. They want to force them to use the religious groups that they've propped up for decades (if not centuries) that are willing to push more kids into WASP families.